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We live in a business world that is in constant flux. But when you learn and understand the five strategy archetypes and how to execute them, you will master your journey through this turbulent land of opportunity. In Your Strategy Needs a Strategy, authors Martin Reeves, Knut Haanæs, and Janmejaya Sinha explain how to navigate these various approaches and avoid common pitfalls. With a solid foundation of the five archetypal approaches, create a "pyramid" of strategy application. Combine multiple approaches and top the process off with solid leadership.
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DownloadWe live in a business world that is in constant flux. But when you learn and understand the five strategy archetypes and how to execute them, you will master your journey through this turbulent land of opportunity.
In Your Strategy Needs a Strategy , authors Martin Reeves, Knut Haanæs, and Janmejaya Sinha explain how to navigate these various approaches and avoid common pitfalls.
With a solid foundation of the five archetypal approaches, create a "pyramid" of strategy application. Combine multiple approaches and top the process off with solid leadership.
The world has never been so connected. While an ever-changing global economy creates opportunities that were once impossible, it has never been more difficult to pick a business strategy. Good news – you probably have more options than you think.
Imagine strategies as paint on an artist's palette. Apply each "color" to different parts of your business, from geographies to industries and functions. Strategies can also be mixed and matched to fit various stages of a firm's life cycle or an environment that each part of the business faces.
Be big
The classical approach to business is the most common method taught in business school and used by long-standing industry giants. Simply put, your goal is to become the biggest and the best.
Mars, Inc. is an exemplar of classical strategy. As the most significant player in the chocolate industry and a major player in others like pet food and chewing gum, scale drives all facets of its strategy. It can focus on growth because the industry is established and predictable.
Paul Michael, President of Mars, Inc., says that he develops plans with a one-year and long-term horizon. He focuses on what they can control directly, such as costs and profitability. Mars is already a household name and has been for decades, so the goal is not recognition so much as driving category growth.
If we revisit the artist analogy, think of the classical strategy as a still-life painting. You aren't inventing the image. You can rely on the unwavering subject before you. As a result, employing a classical strategy does not require a great deal of agility. Analyze your industry to determine market attractiveness, the basis of competition, and your own firm's position, then execute step-by-step until your "masterpiece" is complete.
How to know if a classical strategy is right for you:
How to know if a classical strategy is successful:
Essential trap to avoid:
Size offers protection. Suppose you are buying your way into a classical marketplace but do not have the scale to compete effectively; focus on a niche within the market. For example, Huawei first gained a position in China's rural telecommunication sector and used it to gain size and momentum before entering the competitive urban market.
Be fast
Employ an adaptive strategy when forecasts are no longer reliable enough to create accurate and durable plans. Since the 1980s, turbulence and uncertainty strike businesses more frequently and intensely and persist longer. For this reason, industries more associated with a classical approach may need to consider an adaptive strategy instead.
Fashion is the perfect example of an adaptive strategy. Like its competitors at the time, Spanish fashion retailer Zara had to guess which styles would be popular and hope for the best. This strategy resulted in a few wins — but also the need to discount half their stock each year. Zara holding company Inditex pivoted to an adaptive strategy and reacted to what customers were buying instead of trying to predict future trends.
The firm shortened its supply chain, purchased only tiny batches and constantly experimented in real-time. Up to half of Zara's clothes are designed and manufactured mid-season. Production costs are higher, but Zara's profit margins were double the industry average in 2010.
How to know if an adaptive strategy is right for you:
How to know if an adaptive strategy is successful:
Essential trap to avoid:
Frequently, the data you need to adapt quickly is right under your nose. Convenience store chain 7-11 utilized its point-of-sale system in Japan to create useful pools of information such as customer demographics, time of day, and even the weather. The company used this information to test hypotheses about how these variables drove sales in real-time and how store variables adjusted to accommodate their unique customer bases.
Be first
Ready to change the world? Then the visionary approach might be for you. Employ this strategy when your industry is ripe for disruption or can be re-shaped by an individual firm. It can also be appropriate if your industry displays high-growth potential but suffers from unsatisfied customers and few regulations.
Visionary strategies are exciting but easier said than done. It's a unique mix between a fixed goal and a flexible mindset. You'll need to deeply understand emerging trends or connect the dots between converging trends to steer into them at the right moment.
Before Amazon, UPS recognized the future potential of e-commerce and invested heavily -- $1 billion per year – on IT systems to handle future transactions. This new infrastructure paved the way for Jeff Bezos to launch the first online bookstore.
How to know if a visionary strategy is right for you:
How to know if a visionary strategy is successful:
Essential trap to avoid:
The visionary approach is only appropriate for so long in a company's life cycle. After all, a great idea usually spawns great competitors. Once you've done your job changing the industry forever, it's time to change your strategy depending on the current environment.
Be the orchestrator
When an industry is new or recently disrupted, dynamic, and highly fragmented, the time could be suitable for shaping business strategy. Barriers to entry are often low, products are new to regulators, and the future is bright but uncertain.
Disruptive innovations like social networks or smartphones can thrust a previously stable, non-malleable industry into a new phase of unpredictability.
The Alibaba Group began with a B2B portal in 1999 to connect Chinese manufacturers with foreign customers. Its consumer variant, Taobao, launched just as internet browsers became more commonplace in the household and broadband replaced dial-up connections. Alibaba handled larger transaction volumes than Amazon and eBay combined by 2013 and accounted for over half of all Chinese parcel mail.
How to know if a shaping strategy is right for you:
How to know if a visionary strategy is successful:
Essential traps to avoid:
Implement a shaping strategy at all company levels, from culture to leadership and beyond. The point is to be the catalyst for innovation both inside and outside of your firm. Google holds developer conferences regularly to provide training feedback and encourages collaboration.
Be viable
When an established business finds itself in a harsh environment, it should consider a renewal strategy. This temporary solution allows a firm to react, economize, and – when things calm down – focus on growth once again.
American Express survived the 2008 recession with the mantra, "Stay liquid, profitable, and invest selectively to grow the business." Then-CEO Ken Chenault said that although he launched a swift and aggressive restructuring program, he still had to be thoughtful and be governed by both short- and long-term considerations for the firm.
Chenault encouraged the company not to "hunker in the bunker" but rather "survive and grow." Businesses undergoing renewal should focus on emerging better than ever.
A successful renewal strategy requires a two-step approach:
How to know if a renewal strategy is right for you:
How to know if a renewal strategy is successful:
Essential traps to avoid:
Leadership is critical to a renewal strategy. Initially, these leaders will have to make the tough decisions while offering hope through clear, optimistic messaging about the long-term plan. While everyone is busy saving the company, leaders must picture the end game and jump-start innovation to facilitate growth.
Be flexible
Ambidexterity is not a "color" on our symbolic palette, but rather a technique for mixing those colors to achieve the desired result.
Global businesses operate in multiple business environments that cannot operate with a "one size fits all" strategy. As a result, each unique geography, market, and product requires a different strategy or combination.
PepsiCo pursues a classical scale and positioning approach but mixes strategies depending on the situation. The company employs an adaptive strategy that responds to shifts in consumer behavior. Products and services test in one country before rolling out on a global scale.
As former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi said, any large company must both run and reinvent the business in each business it operates inside.
Ambidextrous strategy is challenging to implement because it requires a combination of measures that can be diametrically opposed. Research by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that, between 1960-2011, less than two percent of U.S. firms managed to outperform during both stable and turbulent periods simultaneously.
The four approaches to ambidexterity:
Essential traps to avoid:
Be open to discovery. Apple uses several approaches depending on its function. The Apple Store is a shaping approach; the iPhone was and continues to be visionary while shaping the manufacturers' ecosystem. The company adapts to changing needs and those it anticipates, too, while scaling the company to remain a global leader.
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