Coaching Models Presentation preview
Título Slide preview
Resumo da Sessão de Coaching GROW Slide preview
Modelo de Coaching GROW Slide preview
Modelo de Coaching GROW - Meta Slide preview
Modelo de Coaching GROW Slide preview
Framework de Competência para Coaching Ágil Slide preview
Tela de Coaching Ágil Slide preview
Plano de Coaching para Equipe Ágil Slide preview
Coaching de Equipe Sistêmico Slide preview
Diagnósticos de Coaching de Equipe Sistêmico Slide preview
Coaching OSKAR Slide preview
Coaching CLEAR Slide preview
Folha de Trabalho de Coaching FUEL Slide preview
Estrutura de Coaching Organizacional Slide preview
Perfil do Mentorado Slide preview
Plano de Desenvolvimento Individual (PDI) Slide preview
Gestão de Coaching de Equipe Slide preview
Folha de Emparelhamento de Coaching entre Pares Slide preview
Entregáveis de Coaching Slide preview
Rastreador do Processo de Coaching Slide preview
Distribuição de Desempenho pela Eficácia do Coaching Slide preview
Modelo de ROI de Phillips para Avaliação de Coaching Slide preview
Modelo de ROI de Phillips para Avaliação de Coaching Slide preview
Resultados do Coaching Slide preview
Questões do Questionário de Avaliação de Coaching Slide preview
Melhoria de Desempenho por meio de Coaching Comportamental e Cognitivo Slide preview
Grade de Posições de Coaching Slide preview
Prós e Contras dos Estilos de Coaching Slide preview

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Por que algumas equipes ou membros da equipe se sentem naturalmente capacitados para dar o seu melhor trabalho, enquanto outros se sentem presos e cronicamente insatisfeitos? Às vezes, palavras de encorajamento ou pressões disciplinares simplesmente não são suficientes ou sustentáveis. Para realmente alcançar avanços de desempenho e ver resultados transformacionais, os líderes precisam de uma abordagem sistemática que atenda à situação específica e às necessidades de suas equipes. Nossa apresentação Coaching Models oferece uma coleção de estruturas de coaching facilmente aplicáveis, como GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, FUEL, bem como ferramentas de gestão de coaching para mentoria individual e em equipe. Adapte esses slides para chamar a atenção para áreas problemáticas chave, encontrar espaço para melhoria e documentar itens de ação passo a passo para preencher lacunas de desempenho.

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The main components of the coaching models are as follows:

GROW: Goal, Reality, Options, Will

OSKAR: Outcome, Scaling, Know-How, Affirm and Action, Review

CLEAR: Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review

FUEL: Frame the conversation, Understand the current state, Explore the desired state, Lay out a success plan

Any company that aims to improve team performance and employee satisfaction can benefit from coaching models like GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, FUEL. For instance, a tech company like Google could use the GROW model to set clear Goals, understand the current Reality, explore Options, and determine the Way forward. This could help in problem-solving and decision-making processes. The OSKAR model could be used in a company like Amazon to focus on Outcome, Scaling, Know-how, Affirm and Review, which could be beneficial in project management and team development. CLEAR model could be used in a company like Microsoft for setting clear goals, Listening, Exploring, Action, and Review. This could help in enhancing communication and collaboration. FUEL model could be used in a company like Tesla for Framing the conversation, Understanding the individual's perspective, Exploring the topic, and Leading to a conclusion. This could help in fostering innovation and creativity.

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Melhoria de Desempenho por meio de Coaching Comportamental e Cognitivo

Planos de coaching bem projetados não só fornecem aos gerentes um claro projeto para entender os pontos fortes e fracos de suas equipes, mas também transmitem aos funcionários um senso de responsabilidade pessoal. A longo prazo, a orientação de um sistema de coaching eficaz pode plantar um senso inato de motivação para os funcionários, pois eles se sentem valorizados e apoiados para o crescimento de suas carreiras. E em toda a empresa, a força de trabalho pode estar melhor equipada com as habilidades e a confiança para atender ou até mesmo superar as metas. Uma situação vantajosa para os indivíduos e o coletivo.

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Coaching models can be practically applied in various ways to improve team performance and meet targets. They provide a systematic approach to identify and address performance issues. They help managers understand the strengths and weaknesses of their teams, which can be used to develop targeted improvement strategies. Coaching models also foster a sense of personal accountability among team members, which can enhance their motivation and productivity. Over time, these models can help employees feel valued and supported in their career growth, which can further boost their performance. Moreover, they equip the workforce with the necessary skills and confidence to meet or even exceed targets, benefiting both the individuals and the organization as a whole.

Coaching models can enhance personal accountability and motivation among employees by providing a clear blueprint for understanding their strengths and weaknesses. This not only helps managers to better guide their teams, but also imparts a sense of personal responsibility to the employees. Over time, the guidance of an effective coaching system can instill an innate sense of motivation in employees as they feel valued and supported in their career growth. This can lead to a workforce that is better equipped with the skills and confidence to meet or even exceed targets, benefiting both the individuals and the collective.

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Distribuição de Desempenho pela Eficácia do Coaching

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Metodologias de Coaching

Modelo de Coaching GROW

O framework GROW (Meta, Realidade, Opções, Caminho a Seguir) fornece a estrutura fundamental e a clareza para ancorar as sessões de coaching. Gerentes, mentores e líderes de equipe podem usá-lo para orientar os funcionários a definir objetivos claros, avaliar a situação atual, explorar soluções potenciais e se comprometer com etapas acionáveis. Com essa organização em vigor, as sessões podem realmente levar a um progresso significativo, em vez de discussões vagas e sem fim. Abaixo está uma decomposição passo a passo dos componentes do GROW:

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I'm sorry, but I can't provide a specific case study as it's not mentioned in the content. However, I can tell you that the GROW framework is widely used in various organizations to enhance team performance. It helps in setting clear objectives, assessing the current situation, exploring potential solutions, and committing to actionable steps. This systematic approach leads to meaningful progress rather than vague, open-ended discussions.

The GROW model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring your coaching or mentoring sessions. It stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. It helps individuals define clear goals, understand their current reality, explore various options and ways to achieve their goals, and decide on a way forward.

On the other hand, the OSKAR model (Outcome, Scaling, Know-How, Affirm and Action, Review) is a solution-focused coaching model. It focuses on the desired outcome, measures success, identifies resources, affirms positive actions, and reviews progress.

The CLEAR model (Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review) is a more holistic approach. It starts with a contract or agreement between the coach and the coachee, followed by active listening, exploration of options, taking action, and reviewing progress.

Each model has its strengths and can be used depending on the situation and the individual's needs.

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Modelo de Coaching GROW
  1. Meta – Defina um objetivo claro, específico e mensurável para trabalhar.
  2. Realidade – Avalie a situação atual, os desafios e os recursos disponíveis.
  3. Opções – Explore soluções possíveis e abordagens alternativas para alcançar o objetivo.
  4. Caminho a seguir – Comprometa-se com ações concretas, estabeleça prazos e estabeleça responsabilidades.
Modelo de Coaching GROW - Meta
Modelo de Coaching GROW

Coaching de Equipe Ágil

Diferentemente do coaching tradicional, que muitas vezes se concentra no desenvolvimento de habilidades individuais, o coaching ágil enfatiza a dinâmica da equipe, a eficiência do fluxo de trabalho e a resolução de problemas coletiva.O objetivo aqui não é fornecer soluções diretas, mas capacitar as equipes a se tornarem solucionadoras de problemas autossuficientes. Portanto, essa abordagem é particularmente útil para organizações que valorizam a resiliência de longo prazo, o pensamento inovador e a autonomia.

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Agile coaching aligns with the initiatives of organizations that value long-term resilience, innovative thinking, and autonomy by emphasizing team dynamics, workflow efficiency, and collective problem-solving. Instead of providing direct solutions, Agile coaching enables teams to become self-sufficient problem solvers. This approach fosters an environment where innovative thinking is encouraged, autonomy is respected, and the organization becomes more resilient in the long term.

Agile coaching has several practical applications in enhancing team dynamics and workflow efficiency. Firstly, it emphasizes on team dynamics over individual skill development, fostering a collaborative environment. Secondly, it focuses on workflow efficiency, helping teams streamline their processes for better productivity. Thirdly, it encourages collective problem-solving, enabling teams to become self-sufficient problem solvers. This approach is particularly useful for organizations that value long-term resilience, innovative thinking, and autonomy.

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Framework de Competência para Coaching Ágil

Os treinadores ágeis orientam as equipes através de melhorias contínuas por meio de facilitação de retrospectivas, refinamento de fluxo de trabalho e ajustes iterativos. Através de reuniões diárias, desenvolvimento orientado a testes e trabalho em equipe multifuncional, as equipes encontram maneiras de equilibrar velocidade e qualidade e aprendem a ser adaptativas a desafios e demandas de negócios em mudança.

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All four coaching models - GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, and FUEL - have their unique strengths in preventing interpersonal challenges from hindering performance. The GROW model focuses on Goal setting, Reality checking, Options exploration, and Way forward, which can help individuals clarify their objectives and identify potential obstacles. The OSKAR model (Outcome, Scaling, Know-How, Affirm and Action, Review) emphasizes on scaling and know-how, which can help individuals assess their current situation and develop necessary skills. The CLEAR model (Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review) emphasizes on listening and exploring, which can help in understanding and resolving interpersonal issues. The FUEL model (Frame, Understand, Explore, Lay out a plan) focuses on understanding and exploring, which can help in identifying and addressing interpersonal challenges. However, the effectiveness of these models can vary depending on the specific context and individuals involved.

Coaching models like GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, FUEL contribute to workflow efficiency and team dynamics in several ways. Firstly, they provide a structured approach to problem-solving and goal setting, which can streamline workflows and improve efficiency. Secondly, these models encourage open communication, trust building, and peer learning, which can enhance team dynamics. They also promote regular reflection and feedback, which can prevent interpersonal challenges from hindering performance.

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Tela de Coaching Ágil
Plano de Coaching para Equipe Ágil

Coaching Sistêmico

Baseado no "Modelo de Cinco Disciplinas" de Peter Hawkins, o coaching de equipe sistêmico aborda tanto a dinâmica interna da equipe quanto as relações com stakeholders externos. Diferente dos modelos de coaching tradicionais que focam apenas no desenvolvimento da equipe e/ou individual, o coaching sistêmico integra o contexto organizacional e de mercado mais amplo para manter o alinhamento com os objetivos estratégicos.

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Companies can implement the Five Disciplines Model to improve both internal team dynamics and external stakeholder relationships by focusing on systemic team coaching. This approach addresses both the internal dynamics of the team and the relationships with external stakeholders. Unlike traditional coaching models that focus solely on team and/or individual development, systemic coaching integrates the broader organizational and market context to maintain alignment with strategic goals. This ensures that the team's efforts are aligned with the company's strategic objectives, leading to improved performance and stakeholder relationships.

Systemic team coaching differs from traditional coaching models in its approach to organizational alignment. While traditional coaching models focus primarily on team and/or individual development, systemic team coaching takes a more holistic view. It addresses not only internal team dynamics but also external stakeholder relationships. This approach ensures that the coaching process is aligned with the broader organizational and market context, thereby maintaining alignment with strategic goals.

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O componente "tarefas da equipe" define o objetivo da equipe e os resultados mensuráveis. Além de estabelecer essas prioridades, a eficiência do fluxo de trabalho também é refinada no processo. O foco do componente "relações da equipe" está na dinâmica interna da equipe. Comunicação aberta, construção de confiança e aprendizado entre pares permitem que as equipes funcionem de maneira coesa.Enquanto reuniões regulares, discussões reflexivas e ciclos de feedback impedem que desafios interpessoais prejudiquem o desempenho.

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Regular huddles, reflective discussions, and feedback loops can significantly contribute to the overall performance of a team. Regular huddles ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the team's objectives and measurable outcomes. Reflective discussions allow team members to learn from past experiences and improve their future performance. Feedback loops provide an opportunity for continuous improvement by identifying areas of strength and areas that need improvement. These practices foster open communication, build trust, and promote peer learning, which are crucial for a team to function cohesively and efficiently.

Open communication and trust building play a crucial role in enhancing workflow efficiency. They form the backbone of strong team relationships. Open communication ensures that all team members are on the same page, understand their roles, and are aware of the team's objectives. It eliminates misunderstandings and promotes clarity, leading to efficient workflows. Trust building, on the other hand, fosters a safe environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, giving feedback, and taking risks. This leads to increased collaboration, innovation, and ultimately, improved workflow efficiency.

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Coaching de Equipe Sistêmico

Mas as equipes não operam isoladamente. O aspecto "expectativas das partes interessadas" alinha o trabalho da equipe com metas de negócios mais amplas por meio do envolvimento ativo com a liderança, clientes e outras unidades de negócios. E "relacionamentos com as partes interessadas" orienta como as equipes interagem e se comunicam com parceiros externos chave com um espírito de transparência e capacidade de resposta.

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Finalmente, em seu núcleo, "aprendizado em equipe" consolida os aspectos acima mencionados em um ciclo de reflexão e crescimento. As equipes devem avaliar regularmente seu progresso, refinar suas abordagens e encontrar maneiras de se adaptar a novos desafios com agilidade. 

Diagnósticos de Coaching de Equipe Sistêmico

Modelo de Coaching OSKAR

O modelo OSKAR é uma abordagem focada em soluções para facilitar conversas de coaching estruturadas e orientadas para objetivos. Consiste em cinco etapas-chave: Resultado, Escala, Conhecimento, Ação e Revisão.

  1. Resultado – No início da sessão, defina metas claras e mensuráveis que estejam alinhadas com os objetivos de negócios da organização.
  2. Escala – Avalie a situação atual e o progresso em direção ao objetivo em uma escala numérica.
  3. Conhecimento – Identifique forças, habilidades e recursos existentes que possam apoiar o progresso.Encorajar o coachee/mentor a aproveitar as capacidades atuais em vez de se concentrar apenas nas fraquezas eleva a autoconfiança.
  4. Ação – Desenvolver passos específicos, com prazo definido, para avançar em direção ao estado desejado. Cada item de ação está vinculado a métricas de sucesso.
  5. Revisão – Acompanhar o progresso por meio de check-ins programados regularmente após a sessão de coaching. Refinar estratégias e fazer ajustes contínuos conforme necessário.
Coaching OSKAR

Modelo de Coaching CLEAR

Enquanto o modelo OSKAR é focado em soluções, o modelo de coaching CLEAR é impulsionado pela conversa. Ele é destinado à reflexão profunda e mudança comportamental por meio da escuta ativa e exploração dos desafios subjacentes antes de determinar ações. É mais adequado para cenários que envolvem desenvolvimento de liderança, resolução de problemas complexos ou conversas de coaching que exigem alta inteligência emocional.

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The CLEAR coaching model is most effectively applied in scenarios that involve leadership development, complex problem-solving, or coaching conversations that require high emotional intelligence. It is driven by conversation and intended for deep reflection and behavioral change through active listening and exploration of underlying challenges before determining actions.

The CLEAR coaching model facilitates leadership development and complex problem-solving by promoting deep reflection and behavioral change. It encourages active listening and exploration of underlying challenges before determining actions. This approach is particularly effective in scenarios that require high emotional intelligence, such as leadership development and complex problem-solving. The model's conversational nature allows for a thorough understanding of the problem at hand, leading to more effective solutions.

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O processo começa com a fase de "Contrato", onde o coach e o coachee estabelecem objetivos para a sessão. Isso alinha as expectativas, os objetivos organizacionais e as necessidades de desenvolvimento individual. Em seguida, use a fase de "Escuta" para fazer o coachee se sentir ouvido e apoiado, incentivando-o a compartilhar seus pensamentos, desafios e preocupações sem interrupção.A escuta ativa é crucial aqui, pois ajuda a descobrir questões subjacentes como lacunas de habilidades, barreiras no local de trabalho ou desafios de confiança.

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Coaching models can be applied in a practical setting to address issues such as skill gaps, workplace barriers, or confidence challenges by first establishing clear objectives for the coaching session. This aligns expectations, organizational goals, and individual development needs. The coach then uses active listening during the session to make the coachee feel heard and supported, encouraging them to share their thoughts, challenges, and concerns without interruption. This helps uncover underlying issues and provides a basis for the coach to provide targeted advice and strategies to overcome these challenges.

Common challenges when implementing coaching models include resistance to change, lack of clarity in objectives, and insufficient support from management. These can be addressed by ensuring clear communication of the coaching objectives and benefits, gaining buy-in from all stakeholders, providing adequate training for coaches, and ensuring ongoing support and feedback mechanisms are in place.

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Coaching CLEAR

A fase "Explorar" identifica possíveis soluções e estratégias. O coach facilita discussões para gerar opções, desafiar crenças limitantes e incentivar a resolução de problemas. Isso é seguido pela fase "Ação", quando são delineados passos concretos para alcançar os objetivos do coaching. Finalmente, a fase "Revisão" estabelece como o progresso será acompanhado. Check-ins regulares podem ajudar a refinar estratégias e reforçar comportamentos positivos.

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During the Explore stage of the EDQ coaching model, several strategies can be employed to challenge limiting beliefs and encourage problem-solving. Firstly, the coach can facilitate open-ended discussions to generate a variety of options. This can help challenge limiting beliefs by presenting multiple perspectives and possibilities. Secondly, the coach can use questioning techniques to challenge the coachee's assumptions and beliefs. This can help the coachee to see their limiting beliefs from a different perspective and consider alternative viewpoints. Lastly, the coach can encourage the coachee to take responsibility for their own problem-solving, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy.

Regular check-ins during the Review stage of the coaching model are crucial for several reasons. They provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the strategies implemented and make necessary adjustments. This iterative process helps in refining strategies to ensure they are aligned with the coaching objectives. Regular check-ins also serve as a platform for providing feedback, which is essential in reinforcing positive behaviors. By acknowledging and appreciating the coachee's progress, the coach can motivate them to continue exhibiting these behaviors.

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Modelo de Coaching FUEL

Comparado aos modelos de coaching anteriores, o framework FUEL é mais orientado para a ação. Em comparação com OSKAR e CLEAR, FUEL coloca uma forte ênfase no alinhamento estratégico, tornando-o ideal para coaching executivo e programas de desenvolvimento de carreira. As sessões de FUEL não apenas apoiam o crescimento individual, mas também contribuem para os objetivos de negócios:

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The FUEL coaching model differs from other models like OSKAR and CLEAR in its emphasis on strategic alignment and action-orientation. While all three models aim to facilitate personal and professional growth, FUEL is particularly suited for executive coaching and career development programs due to its focus on aligning individual growth with business objectives. This makes it more action-oriented as it encourages individuals to take steps that not only benefit their personal development but also contribute to the achievement of business goals.

Companies can implement the FUEL framework in their operations by integrating it into their executive coaching and career development programs. The FUEL framework is action-oriented and emphasizes strategic alignment, making it ideal for these purposes. The process involves four steps: Frame the conversation, Understand the current state, Explore the desired state, and Lay out a success plan. By following these steps, companies can support individual growth and align it with their business objectives.

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Folha de Trabalho de Coaching FUEL
  1. Enquadre a conversa – Estabeleça o propósito da sessão de coaching, defina áreas de foco e esclareça os resultados desejados.
  2. Entenda o estado atual – Uma avaliação honesta para descobrir desafios e forças e identificar métricas para avaliar o ponto de partida.
  3. Explore o estado desejado – Discuta estratégias potenciais, estabeleça metas realistas e decida como será o sucesso. Use este tempo para brainstorming de soluções e alinhar as aspirações do coachee com os objetivos organizacionais.
  4. Elabore um plano de sucesso – Desenvolva um plano de ação com tarefas, cronogramas e medidas de responsabilidade.

Gestão de Coaching

Embora os modelos acima forneçam estruturas mentais e orientação para conversas de coaching, ferramentas adicionais de gestão de coaching podem ser usadas em conjunto com qualquer uma dessas abordagens para manter o ímpeto.

Estrutura de Coaching Organizacional

Gestão Individual de Coaching

Quando se trata de coaching personalizado para membros individuais da equipe, o perfil do mentorado fornece um panorama das forças, habilidades, metas e áreas de melhoria de um funcionário. Destaca áreas-chave de desenvolvimento, preferências de aprendizado e ações imediatas necessárias para preencher lacunas de habilidades. Ao delinear as habilidades técnicas, habilidades interpessoais e estilo de feedback preferido de um indivíduo, os treinadores podem personalizar sua abordagem para máximo impacto.

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The key elements of personalized coaching for individual team members include understanding their strengths, skills, goals, and areas for improvement. This understanding allows for the identification of key development areas and learning preferences. Immediate actions can then be taken to bridge skill gaps. By outlining an individual's technical abilities, soft skills, and preferred feedback style, coaches can tailor their approach for maximum impact. This personalized approach contributes to their development by addressing their unique needs and promoting growth in targeted areas.

Personalized coaching can have a significant impact on an individual's technical abilities, soft skills, and preferred feedback style. It provides a tailored approach that targets the individual's specific needs and preferences. For technical abilities, personalized coaching can identify gaps in knowledge or skills and provide targeted training and development. For soft skills, coaching can help individuals improve their communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Regarding feedback style, personalized coaching can adapt to the individual's preferred method of receiving feedback, whether it's direct, constructive, or more nuanced. This tailored approach can lead to more effective learning and development, ultimately enhancing the individual's overall performance.

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Perfil do Mentorado
Plano de Desenvolvimento Individual (PDI)

O plano de desenvolvimento individual (PDI) expande isso ao estabelecer metas estruturadas e acompanhar o crescimento profissional ao longo do tempo.Define as competências essenciais necessárias para o avanço na carreira, atribui atividades de desenvolvimento e estabelece prazos claros para o progresso. Essas ferramentas ajudam os gestores a acompanhar o progresso dos funcionários e a fornecer suporte direcionado para o avanço de carreira a longo prazo.

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Coaching models like GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, FUEL are specifically designed to foster employee engagement and accountability. They provide a structured approach to professional development, setting clear goals, and tracking progress over time. These models focus on empowering employees, enhancing their skills, and holding them accountable for their performance. On the other hand, other business frameworks may not specifically target employee engagement and accountability, but rather focus on other aspects of business operations such as strategy, finance, or marketing. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these models can vary depending on the organization's culture, leadership style, and the individual employee's motivation and commitment.

While specific case studies are not provided in the content, it's well-documented in various research that coaching models significantly improve team performance. For instance, the GROW model, which focuses on Goal, Reality, Options, and Will, has been used in numerous organizations to enhance team performance. It helps in setting clear and achievable goals, understanding the current situation, exploring various options, and committing to a specific action. Similarly, the CLEAR model, which stands for Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, and Review, is another coaching model that has shown positive results in improving team performance by establishing a clear contract, encouraging open communication, exploring possibilities, taking action, and reviewing progress.

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Gestão de Coaching de Equipe

Gestão de Coaching de Equipe

Para obter uma visão de alto nível do desempenho do grupo, o placar de coaching de equipe organiza as necessidades de coaching por função, departamento e status de progresso. Ao acompanhar os níveis de sucesso, as pontuações de avaliação e as taxas de conclusão, esta ferramenta ajuda os treinadores a avaliar a eficácia em toda a equipe e ajustar sua abordagem de acordo.

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A folha de emparelhamento de coaching entre pares facilita o desenvolvimento de habilidades e o compartilhamento de conhecimentos entre os funcionários, combinando profissionais experientes com aqueles que buscam mentoria. Identifica áreas de especialização e áreas onde os mentorados precisam de ajuda. A aprendizagem colaborativa não é apenas um bom uso do pool de talentos existente, mas também constrói camaradagem entre os funcionários, cria equipes auto-sustentáveis e promove transferências de conhecimento orgânicas.

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Investing in the right coaching approach can have a significant impact on the broader organization. It creates a workplace culture that values personal accountability, skill development, and long-term career fulfillment. This not only benefits the individual employees but also the organization as a whole. Employees who feel valued and fulfilled are more likely to be productive, innovative, and committed to the organization's goals. This can lead to improved performance, increased employee retention, and ultimately, a more successful organization.

Coaching models like GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR, FUEL provide a structured and systematic approach to employee development. They help in setting clear goals, understanding the current reality, exploring various options, and committing to specific actions. This process encourages employees to take personal accountability for their growth and development. It also fosters a sense of engagement as employees feel valued and invested in. These models also promote continuous learning and skill development, contributing to long-term career fulfillment. Thus, they play a crucial role in enhancing employee engagement and personal accountability.

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Folha de Emparelhamento de Coaching entre Pares

Progresso do Coaching

Nenhum desenvolvimento pode ser sustentado sem responsabilidade. Independentemente de qual modelo de coaching foi selecionado, os entregáveis de coaching precisam ser estabelecidos em primeiro lugar para manter todas as partes envolvidas no caminho certo e atualizadas.Os programas de coaching podem ser divididos em marcos, emparelhados com ações-chave e métricas de sucesso em cada estágio do cronograma.

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When establishing deliverables for a coaching program, several key factors should be considered. First, the objectives of the coaching program should be clearly defined. These objectives will guide the creation of the deliverables. Second, the deliverables should be measurable and achievable. They should be designed in a way that their achievement can be tracked and measured. Third, the deliverables should be relevant to the coaching program. They should contribute to the achievement of the program's objectives. Lastly, the deliverables should be time-bound. There should be a clear timeline for when each deliverable should be achieved.

The implementation of coaching models contributes to the enhancement of team performance by providing a systematic approach to address performance issues. These models help in setting clear expectations, establishing accountability, and tracking progress through key actions and success metrics. They allow for the division of coaching programs into manageable milestones, keeping all parties involved on track and up to date. This structured approach helps in identifying areas for improvement, facilitating growth, and ultimately enhancing team performance.

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Alternativamente, o rastreador do processo de coaching oferece uma visão geral de toda a jornada de coaching, desde a descoberta e avaliação até a execução e revisão. Ele atribui funções, agenda check-ins e constrói sessões de coaching em fases definidas.

Entregáveis de Coaching
Rastreador do Processo de Coaching

Resultados do Coaching

A eficácia dos programas de coaching pode ser medida através da distribuição de desempenho, ROI das iniciativas de coaching, resultados do coaching e avaliação direta dos participantes. Resultados positivos podem ser usados para defender mais recursos e financiamento para programas de coaching, enquanto resultados menos favoráveis podem fornecer bases para futuras melhorias e refinamentos.

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Less favorable outcomes from coaching programs can be used for future improvement and refinement by identifying the areas where the program fell short. These areas can then be analyzed to understand the reasons behind the shortcomings. It could be due to the coaching methods used, the lack of resources, or the lack of engagement from the participants. Once these factors are identified, changes can be made to address them in future iterations of the program. This could involve modifying the coaching techniques, allocating more resources, or finding ways to increase participant engagement.

There are several ways to advocate for more resources and funding for coaching programs. First, you can demonstrate the effectiveness of the program through measurable outcomes such as performance distribution, ROI of coaching initiatives, and direct evaluation from participants. Positive results can be used as evidence of the program's success. Second, you can highlight the potential for improvement and refinement in the program, which would require additional resources. Lastly, you can emphasize the benefits of coaching programs, such as increased employee satisfaction and productivity, to persuade stakeholders to invest more.

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Resultados do Coaching
Questões do Questionário de Avaliação de Coaching

Por exemplo, uma maneira de quantificar o impacto do coaching é com o Modelo de ROI de Phillips, que avalia o coaching através de quatro estágios: planejamento, coleta de dados, análise e otimização. Este modelo converte os resultados do coaching em valor monetário, isolando os efeitos do coaching e comparando os funcionários que receberam coaching com os que não receberam.

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The model converts coaching outcomes into monetary value by isolating the effects of coaching and comparing the performance of coached versus non-coached employees. This process involves four stages: planning, data collection, analysis, and optimization. In the planning stage, the objectives of coaching are defined. Data collection involves gathering information about the performance of coached and non-coached employees. The analysis stage involves comparing this data to identify the impact of coaching. Finally, in the optimization stage, the results are used to improve the coaching process and maximize its monetary value.

The four stages of evaluating coaching impact according to the mentioned model are: planning, data collection, analysis, and optimization.

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Modelo de ROI de Phillips para Avaliação de Coaching
Modelo de ROI de Phillips para Avaliação de Coaching


O design intencional Coaching Models e o uso adequado de ferramentas de gestão de coaching criam uma cultura de trabalho que valoriza a responsabilidade pessoal, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e a satisfação na carreira a longo prazo. Seja através de coaching individual ou em equipe, investir na abordagem de coaching correta beneficia mutuamente os funcionários e a organização em geral.

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Coaching models align with digital transformation initiatives in several ways to promote long-term career fulfillment. Firstly, they foster a culture of continuous learning and development, which is crucial in the digital age where skills need to be constantly updated. Secondly, they promote personal accountability and skill development, which are key for adapting to digital transformation. Lastly, they support employees in navigating the changes brought about by digital transformation, thereby reducing resistance and increasing engagement.

Coaching models can be compared to other business frameworks in terms of fostering personal accountability and skill development in several ways. Firstly, both aim to improve performance and productivity. However, coaching models focus more on individual growth and development, while business frameworks often focus on organizational goals and strategies. Secondly, coaching models emphasize personal accountability, encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and development. This is often less emphasized in traditional business frameworks. Lastly, coaching models often provide more personalized and ongoing support, which can lead to more significant skill development over time.

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