NuBank succeeded in the high-risk underbanked population of Brazil by identifying it as a significant opportunity that traditional banks had overlooked. Despite the founder's lack of Portuguese language skills and banking knowledge, the company managed to acquire 1.3 million customers by 2016. By 2021, NuBank had over 40 million customers across Latin America, becoming the largest digital-only bank globally.

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The fintech company NuBank saw the "high risk" underbanked population of Brazil as a huge opportunity that Brazil's traditional banks had avoided. It was founded in 2013 by someone who didn't even speak Portuguese and knew very little about banking. By 2016, Nubank had acquired 1.3 million customers and five years later, it has over 40 million customers across all of Latin America and is now the largest digital-only bank in the world.

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NuBank used several strategies to become the largest digital-only bank in the world. Firstly, they identified a high-risk, underbanked population in Brazil as a significant opportunity. Traditional banks had avoided this demographic, but NuBank saw potential. Secondly, they focused on digital banking, which allowed them to reach a larger customer base without the need for physical branches. This approach was particularly effective in Latin America, where many people have access to smartphones but not to traditional banking services. Lastly, they prioritized customer service and innovative banking solutions, which helped them to attract and retain customers.

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