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The book "Getting Things Done" presents several innovative ideas for increasing productivity. These include the concept of Collecting, where all tasks, projects, and data are written down using various methods. This is followed by Processing, where the collected data is analyzed and questions like "What is it?", "Is it actionable?", and "Is it vital?" are asked. The processed data is then Organized into a next-action list, trashed, saved for later, or otherwise organized. Regular Reviewing ensures the system is clean, current, and complete. Finally, the Doing phase involves executing the various actions and steps.
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Is your workflow overwhelming? Do you want to increase your productivity and achieve your goals? We all struggle with being productive, but Getting Th...
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Collecting — Collecting means using baskets, notes, electronic methods, etc. to set down everything. 100% of all tasks, projects and various data should be collected and written down. Processing – After writing down the data, process it. This means asking questions like "What is it?", "Is it actionable?", "Is it vital?", etc. Organizing — The processed data should then be written down on a next-action list, trashed, saved for later or otherwise organized. Reviewing — The goal of reviewing is making sure the system is clean, current and complete. Doing — When all the above steps are completed, it is time to begin doing the various actions and steps.
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