When there are competing priorities, it's important to have a clear understanding of your team's goals and objectives. This will help you prioritize tasks based on their relevance and urgency.

You can use a prioritization matrix or a similar tool to evaluate the importance and urgency of each task. This will help you decide which tasks to focus on first.

Communication is also key in such situations. Discuss the situation with your team and stakeholders to ensure everyone understands the priorities and is working towards the same goals.

Remember, it's not always possible to do everything at once. Prioritizing tasks and managing your time effectively can help you navigate through competing priorities.

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The Team Handbook

There's really no other way to put it. This book is 'the' handbook for building great teams. There is no fluff, no elaborate theories. Only practical...

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Every team needs certain things to be the most productive. Goals, purposes, boundaries, and access to people in-the-know are just a few of the important points that must be in place. There is plenty of practical advice for managing a team including how to have effective discussions and step-by-step modules for problem-solving.

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The step-by-step problem-solving module in "The Team Handbook" challenges existing team management practices by introducing a structured approach to problem-solving. Traditional team management often relies on ad-hoc problem-solving methods, which can lead to inconsistent results. The module provides a systematic process that teams can follow, ensuring that all team members are on the same page and contributing effectively. This approach can lead to more efficient problem-solving, better team collaboration, and ultimately, improved team performance.

Small businesses can apply the practical advice from "The Team Handbook" by first understanding the key elements that make a team productive. These include clear goals, defined purposes, set boundaries, and access to knowledgeable individuals. Managers can then implement effective discussions and problem-solving modules as suggested in the book. It's also important to adapt the advice to the specific context of the small business, considering factors like the team size, business model, and industry.

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