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Editar tu currículum con Microsoft Word puede ser increíblemente tedioso. Por eso hemos creado una serie de Currículums Visuales en Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote y Google Slides. Ahora puedes editar tu currículum con precisión pixel perfecta. Incluso si no estás cambiando de trabajo, siempre es bueno tener un currículum actualizado para compartir dentro y fuera de tu organización. Añade fácilmente animaciones y cambia el color para adaptarlo a tu organización.

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Editing a resume in Microsoft Word is considered tedious because it lacks the flexibility and design capabilities that other software like Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides offer. These platforms allow for pixel-perfect precision and the ability to easily add animations and change colors to fit your organization. This level of customization is not as easily achieved in Word, making the process more time-consuming and less efficient.

You can customize the color of your resume to fit your organization by using the color editing tools available in Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. These tools allow you to change the color of text, backgrounds, and other elements on your resume. You can choose colors that match your organization's branding or color scheme. Remember to keep your resume professional and readable, even when using colors.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

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Un currículum visual es una herramienta poderosa en tu caja de herramientas de solicitante y una excelente alternativa para mostrar tus experiencias laborales, así como habilidades profesionales e interpersonales con más dinamismo y estímulos estéticos. Esto no significa, sin embargo, que los currículums visuales estén limitados al mundo de los profesionales artísticos. Cualquiera puede destacar su historial laboral con colores y gráficos y destacar para los reclutadores.

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1. Use a professional layout: Keep it clean and easy to read. Use a balance of text and visuals.

2. Use relevant visuals: Use graphics, charts, and infographics to highlight your skills and experiences.

3. Keep it concise: A visual resume should be a snapshot of your career, not a detailed history.

4. Use color wisely: Stick to a professional color scheme and avoid overly bright or neon colors.

5. Tailor it to the job: Customize your visual resume for each job application, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.

A visual resume can help an applicant stand out to recruiters by providing a unique and engaging way to showcase their work experiences, professional skills, and interpersonal skills. It uses colors and graphics to highlight job history, making it more appealing and memorable than a traditional text-based resume. This can capture the recruiter's attention and make the applicant more memorable, increasing their chances of being selected for an interview.

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El proceso de construir tu currículum visual ofrece muchas oportunidades para ser original y creativo. En preparación para desarrollar tu nuevo documento maestro con diapositivas y para mantenerse "en tu marca", puedes, en primer lugar, hacer tableros de inspiración y explorar paletas de colores, utilizando herramientas, como Adobe Color Wheel.

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Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides can be used to create resume templates by utilizing their various features. You can use the text boxes to input your information and customize the font, size, and color. You can also use shapes and lines to create sections or headers. Images, icons, and other visual elements can be added to enhance the overall look of your resume. These platforms also allow you to save your resume as a PDF for easy sharing and printing. Remember, the key is to keep the design clean and professional.

Keeping your resume updated even if you're not changing jobs is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you to keep track of your accomplishments and skills, which can be useful for performance reviews or when seeking a promotion. Secondly, it ensures you're always ready for unexpected opportunities that may arise. Lastly, regularly updating your resume can help you identify gaps in your skills or experience, allowing you to seek out professional development opportunities.

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Además, ten en cuenta las siguientes pautas al trabajar en tus diapositivas de currículum visual:

El contenido es el rey

El componente estético de tu currículum no debe de ninguna manera opacar el contenido. Los detalles de tu currículum siempre deben incluir la información central: tu nombre y título profesional, habilidades y experiencias previas, así como educación. También puedes optar por agregar otro contenido, como breves citas de las recomendaciones de tus empleadores anteriores, tu historial de trabajo voluntario o pasatiempos. Pero lo más importante, utiliza una gran cantidad de cifras y números en tus puntos de bala.

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Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides can be used to edit a resume by utilizing their various features. You can create a visually appealing resume by using different templates, fonts, and colors. These platforms allow you to insert images, charts, and other visual elements to highlight your skills and experiences. You can also use animations and transitions to make your resume more interactive. However, it's important to keep the content professional and not let the visual elements overshadow the key information.

Keeping your resume updated even if you're not changing jobs is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you keep track of your accomplishments and skills you've acquired over time. This can be useful for performance reviews or if you're seeking a promotion. Secondly, it prepares you for unexpected opportunities. If a job opportunity arises suddenly, you'll be ready to apply without scrambling to update your resume. Lastly, it's a good practice to periodically review and reflect on your career progress.

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Aquí tienes un consejo del autor de "Show Your Work," Austin Kleon: "Elimina todos los adjetivos de tu biografía. Si tomas fotos, no eres un fotógrafo 'aspirante', tampoco eres un fotógrafo 'increíble'. Eres un fotógrafo. No te pongas lindo. No te jactes. Solo declara los hechos."

La estructura importa

Tu currículum visual debe ser fácil de navegar y leer, pero también puedes ser estratégico con la disposición de tu información, como colocar tus habilidades más valiosas o raras en la parte superior del documento, por ejemplo. De hecho, un currículum visual permite más espacio para experiencias previas, en comparación con un currículum de texto tradicional, en caso de que tengas un historial laboral extenso.

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A visual resume offers several advantages in terms of showcasing extensive work history. Firstly, it allows more room for previous experiences compared to a traditional text resume. This means you can include more details about your past roles and achievements. Secondly, a visual resume can be strategically designed to highlight the most valuable or rare skills at the top of the document, immediately catching the attention of the reader. Lastly, a visual resume is more engaging and memorable, which can help you stand out from other candidates with similar work histories.

A visual resume can be utilized to highlight valuable or rare skills by strategically placing these skills at the top of the document. This ensures they are the first thing a potential employer sees. Additionally, a visual resume allows more room for previous experiences, compared to a traditional text resume, which can be beneficial if you have an extensive work history.

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Menciona tu portafolio (si corresponde)

Si tienes un portafolio, asegúrate de incluir un enlace a él y algunos ejemplos de tu trabajo en tu currículum visual. Los currículums visuales son perfectos para mostrar tus proyectos creativos y puedes hacerlo en el encabezado, en los márgenes o en la parte inferior de tu documento.

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Estudio de caso

Marissa Mayer, ex CEO, Yahoo

Mayer claramente tiene un impresionante historial como ex Vicepresidenta de Ubicación y Servicios Locales y VP de Productos de Búsqueda y UX, y Presidenta y CEO de Yahoo. Observa que su currículum refleja perfectamente su marca personal de "mujer de negocios y orgullosa geek". También tiene mucho espacio en blanco e incluye algunas secciones intrigantes, pero relativas a su experiencia profesional, como "Lo que más me enorgullece" y "Mi tiempo", que permitieron a Mayer elevar el nivel de su profesionalismo aún más.

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Mayer's impressive background significantly contributes to her resume by showcasing her extensive experience and leadership roles in prominent tech companies. Her roles as former Vice President of Location and Local Services and VP of Search Products and UX, and President and CEO of Yahoo, demonstrate her ability to lead and manage large teams, and drive product innovation. These roles also reflect her personal brand as a businesswoman and a proud geek. Additionally, her resume includes unique sections like 'Most Proud Of' and 'My Time', which further elevate her professionalism and provide a more comprehensive view of her achievements and skills.

Some unique sections that can be included in a resume to elevate professionalism include:

1. "Most Proud Of": This section allows you to highlight your most significant achievements or projects that you are particularly proud of.

2. "My Time": This section can be used to demonstrate how you manage your time effectively, showcasing your organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks.

3. "Skills": A well-organized skills section can highlight your technical and soft skills relevant to the job you're applying for.

4. "Volunteer Experience": If you have done any volunteer work, it can be a great way to showcase your commitment to community service and social responsibility.

5. "Certifications and Training": This section can be used to list any relevant certifications or professional training you have received.

Remember, the key is to include sections that are relevant and add value to your professional profile.

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