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According to studies, during a job-hunt, a typical applicant writes only one, single-page resume. Unfortunately, in today's labor market, the "one-fits-all" approach simply doesn't do the trick. This is why we created a Ultimate Resume Kit in Microsoft Word for internal, external, minimal and extensive experience resumes and more. Utilize them to become a resume virtuoso and land your next dream gig.

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It's necessary to update and modify your resume for different job applications because each job has unique requirements and expectations. By tailoring your resume to each specific job, you can highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to that position, thereby increasing your chances of being considered for the job.

A well-written resume can significantly impact your job hunt. It can make you stand out among other applicants and increase your chances of getting an interview. It allows you to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements in a way that is compelling to potential employers. A well-crafted resume can also demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail, which are qualities that employers value.

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For all resume layouts, use a light blue version in case you need to print out copies of your document and dark version if you are submitting electronically.

Space -- If you are looking to be promoted within your current company, use this layout for your internal resume. Adjust colors, fonts and header/footer images to match your company's style guide. List your achievements in your current role on the first page, then outline your general work experience on the second.

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Some tips for creating a resume that reflects professional growth within a company include: highlighting your achievements in your current role on the first page, outlining your general work experience on the second page, and adjusting the layout, colors, fonts, and header/footer images to match your company's style guide.

To ensure your resume is comprehensive yet concise, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences. Use bullet points to list your achievements and keep the descriptions brief. Tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for, removing any irrelevant information. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon. Finally, proofread your resume to ensure it's free of errors and easy to read.

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Zepelin -- This layout will satisfy mid-career professionals with 10 plus years of work experience. The two-column layout is great for an external master resume, as it is conveniently powered-up by a matching cover letter. The two-column design allows you to place the most important brief facts in the first column to draw the recruiter's attention to them.

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There are several ways to enhance the effectiveness of a resume. First, tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for by highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Second, use action verbs and quantify achievements where possible. Third, keep your resume concise and avoid unnecessary information. Fourth, use a professional and easy-to-read format. Lastly, proofread your resume to avoid any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Some ways to optimize a resume for use within a current company include highlighting relevant skills and experiences, tailoring the resume to the specific role you're interested in, and showcasing your accomplishments within the company. It's also important to keep the resume updated and to use professional language.

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Spectrum -- Spectrum layout was created for professionals working in industries which value unique experiences over formal education. It allows the candidate to make more emphasis on the actual bullet points with facts and quantitative data about the past experiences.

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Alissen -- This layout will make a great one-page master resume to be tailored to each job the candidate is applying to. When tailoring, make sure to include exact keywords from the job description to pass ATS scans and then repeat them in your cover letter.

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Unidade -- Students and recent graduates will find this layout suitable, as they might lack experience. Include your GPA, emphasize your field of study and academic achievements, list relevant internships, projects and jobs and don't forget to use plenty of action verbs, like "developed," "lead," "controlled," etc.

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The 'Unidade' layout is particularly beneficial for students and recent graduates who may lack extensive work experience. It allows them to highlight their academic achievements, such as their GPA, field of study, relevant internships, projects, and jobs. The use of action verbs like 'developed', 'lead', 'controlled', etc., can also help to showcase their skills and experiences.

Including relevant jobs in a resume is important because it shows potential employers that you have experience in the field you're applying for. It demonstrates that you have already acquired certain skills and knowledge related to the job, which can make you a more attractive candidate. It also helps to show that you're focused and committed to that particular field.

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Modern -- More experienced professionals often struggle to fit their extensive expertise and accomplishments on one page. This resume layout can actually be used for both internal promotion or external job search and is designed to include and highlight more emloyement history details.

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Basico -- If you are applying for a corporate position, chances are that you need a simple, to the point resume, without visual effects or heavy text. If this is the case, use Basico resume layout, as it allows for a lot of white space, which makes your document easier to scan and read.

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Covertus -- If the job application doesn't require a cover letter, you want your resume to provide as many details about why you are the best candidate for the job as possible. Customize Covertus layout by changing the header image and theme colors to show your personality and enhance the overall resume content.

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The Covertus layout can help to show your personality in a resume by allowing you to customize it to reflect your personal style. You can change the header image and theme colors to match your personality. This not only makes your resume visually appealing but also gives a sense of your personal brand. Remember, the design of your resume should complement the content, not distract from it.

It's important to provide detailed information in a resume, especially when a cover letter is not required, because the resume then becomes the primary document showcasing your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Without a cover letter, the employer will rely solely on the resume to determine your suitability for the role. Therefore, it's crucial to include all relevant details that highlight your abilities and achievements, making you stand out as a strong candidate.

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Galleria -- If you are a creative professional with media projects to show off, employ this multi-page resume layout. A good match for art students, photographers and designers, this layout helps to showcase a portfolio. It can also be used by non-creatives who want to demonstrate charts and graphs from their previous projects.

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The Galleria layout is designed to showcase visual content, making it ideal for demonstrating charts and graphs. You can incorporate these elements into your Galleria layout by creating them as separate media projects. Each chart or graph can be displayed as an individual item within the portfolio. This allows viewers to click through and view each one in detail. Remember to include captions or brief descriptions for each chart or graph to provide context.

The Galleria layout is ideal for showcasing media projects. It is particularly suitable for creative professionals such as art students, photographers, and designers who have portfolios to display. However, it can also be used by non-creatives to demonstrate charts and graphs from their previous projects.

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A career advancement platform, Zety, conducted research, during which 133,000 resumes were analyzed. Below you can see the key findings:

  • The researchers found that the average resume length was 489 words (standard deviation of 310 words). It is important to note that contrary to conventional wisdom, recruiters actually prefer two-page resumes. In fact, recruiters are 2.9 times more likely to pick a candidate with a two-page resume for managerial roles and 1.4 times more likely to pick a candidate with a two-page resume for entry-level positions. In addition, 77% of employers say seasoned workers should NOT use a single-page resume.
  • According to Zety, standard, or "must-have" resume sections, included personal information: 99.85% of resumes, work experience: 98.33%, education: 97.25%, skills: 89.81%, summary or objective: 88.75%. The experts from Zety say that in order to stand out from the crowd, at least one or, better, a few additional sections in your resume should be used to back up qualifications.
  • Top 10 most common "soft" skills listed in resumes were communication: 11% of resumes, leadership: 9%, time management: 8%, problem solving: 7%, customer service: 5%, teamwork: 5%, adaptability: 4.3%, organization: 2%, creativity: 1.7%, conflict resolution: 1.6%.
  • Top 10 most common "hard" skills listed in resumes were Microsoft Office: 12% of resumes, project management: 6%, Microsoft Excel: 6%, Python: 3.8%, Salesforce: 3.6%, Java: 3%, SQL: 2.9%, Microsoft Word: 2.7%, JavaScript: 2.4% and public speaking: 1.9%.
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The top 10 most common soft skills listed in resumes are not fully mentioned in the content. However, it does mention that communication and leadership are among the most common soft skills listed. Other common soft skills often listed in resumes, based on general knowledge, include teamwork, problem-solving, work ethic, flexibility, time management, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

According to Zety, the standard or must-have sections in a resume include personal information, which is found in 99.85% of resumes, work experience (98.33%), education (97.25%), skills (89.81%), and a summary or objective (88.75%). Zety experts suggest that to stand out, one should include at least one or a few additional sections in the resume to back up qualifications.

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Header and footer image sets

As you customize your resume, you can change its colors and fonts to match your personal brand theme or the style guide of the organization you are applying to (check the company's media kit first). Also, including header and footer images in your resume can help to add personality to it or can be used to highlight your creative projects. The images included in our Ultimate Resume Kit sets, evoke a strong positive emotion and appeal to the viewer, but should be used with caution, so a hiring manager doesn't assume that you are making up for the lack of experience.

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Images in a resume should be used with caution because they can potentially distract from the main content, which is your qualifications and experiences. While they can add personality and highlight creative projects, they might also give an impression that you are trying to compensate for lack of experience. Moreover, excessive or inappropriate use of images might not be well received in certain professional settings. It's important to understand the company's culture and expectations before deciding to include images in your resume.

Images in a resume can evoke a strong positive emotion and appeal to the viewer by being relevant, professional, and visually appealing. They should match the personal brand theme or the style guide of the organization you are applying to. Including header and footer images can add personality or highlight creative projects. However, they should be used with caution to avoid giving the impression of compensating for lack of experience. It's also important to ensure that the images do not distract from the main content of the resume, which is your qualifications and experience.

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Icon set

Another way to make your resume stand out is to use icons. You will find a variety of icons in the set, but remember that sometimes, you actually can have too much of a good thing, so use icons sparingly to keep your document neat and easy on the eyes.


We used "table structures," which set the position of each element in all our resume layouts. Unlike "floating elements" templates, in which the elements are always in a fixed position and are hard to edit, our Ultimate Resume Kit layouts makes the process easier and faster. See for yourself in the video below.

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