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DownloadStand out from the crowd and land your next big opportunity with our Resume Collection (Part 1). Choose from a wide selection of designs, from traditional to creative, to easily highlight your professional achievements. Edit and design your resume in PowerPoint, then export it as a .pdf file to print or for electronic distribution.
Questions and answers
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DownloadUse this slide to decide on your resume format, layout, theme and design. Stick to neutral colors, legible fonts and clean layouts, and consider matching the feel of your information to the aesthetics and culture of the company you're applying to. Other things to consider: space it out, so your resume has some "white space" and is easy to read; add some shadows to make your resume "pop" and incorporate your personal brand in your resume and cover letter.
Questions and answers
This slide demonstrates a layout, ideal for showcasing creative work. Ideally, your work experience should be a carefully-curated "exhibit"of relevant projects. Think carefully about which of your creative projects to showcase in a way that's relevant to your desired creative job. However, you may also choose to include a link to an actual portfolio of your work to give a recruiter or hiring manager a better feel of your artistic side.
In sum, a resume is an overview of your career, whether it's still in the early stages or is extensive. Your resume should be ideally one page-long (two is acceptable under certain circumstances), and demonstrate the roles you've held and currently are in, the duties you've performed, the experiences, abilities and knowledge you've developed and the soft skills you can bring to your next potential place of employment.
The experts from The Muse, a career advancement platform, list the following steps for creating a perfect resume:
Career Coach, Kim Black, says that the advantage of using PowerPoint when developing a resume is that you are not limited to the traditional rules of resume design, and this can be really beneficial for creative industries that value unique application materials with a creative flair.
Black recommends these three tips for someone working on a resume in PowerPoint:
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