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An effective presentation creation is all about the story the slides tell. Visual storytelling requires strategy and resources, and quality ready-to-use visuals can save you a great deal of time. Our selection of elegant and easy-to-use Video Backgrounds (Part 2) provides a wide selection of designs that will make your work all the more unforgettable.

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Video backgrounds align with digital transformation initiatives in business presentations by enhancing the visual appeal and engagement level of the presentations. They can make presentations more interactive, dynamic, and memorable, thus improving communication effectiveness. This aligns with digital transformation initiatives which aim to leverage digital technologies to improve business processes, culture, and customer experiences.

A company like Apple could greatly benefit from using video backgrounds in their presentations. Apple is known for its innovative and visually appealing products. By using video backgrounds, they can enhance the visual appeal of their presentations, making them more engaging and memorable for the audience. This can help them better showcase their products and their features, thereby potentially increasing sales and customer engagement.

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Slide highlights

The first thing every powerful presentation must include is an attention grab. You have the power to immerse your audience into the world of your presentation with funny, shocking, visually-irresistible or dramatic visuals. And video backgrounds help to take this experience to the next level.

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Once you captured your stakeholders' attention, introduce your key points. To support those, you need strong visuals as well to make the main takeaways most talked about and memorable. Video backgrounds might also help greatly in demonstrating the appeal of your product or service.

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Your presentation will only give your audience a long-lasting memory of your message if you end it strong. Complete your slideshow experience with a powerful video background to make the best final impression on your stakeholders.

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1. Use video backgrounds as an attention grabber at the start of your presentation. They can immerse your audience into the world of your presentation with funny, shocking, visually-irresistible or dramatic visuals.

2. Introduce your key points with strong visuals. Video backgrounds can support your main takeaways and make them memorable.

3. Use video backgrounds to demonstrate the appeal of your product or service.

4. End your presentation with a powerful video background to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Video backgrounds can make presentations more memorable by capturing the audience's attention and immersing them into the world of the presentation. They can provide visually appealing, dramatic, or even humorous elements that engage the audience. Video backgrounds can also support key points in the presentation, making them more impactful and memorable. They can demonstrate the appeal of a product or service in a dynamic way. Lastly, ending the presentation with a powerful video background can leave a lasting impression on the audience.

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Today's world is all about experiences, so create one with your presentation. Giving an audience a gift of a unique visual twist while presenting can help you add more value and make your slideshow unforgettable. Video backgrounds are a perfect solution for enthralling storytelling to inform, educate, engage, inspire and motivate people.

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Certainly, there are several examples of unforgettable presentations that utilized video backgrounds. One of the most notable is the TED Talk by Hans Rosling, where he used video backgrounds to visualize complex data about world health and economics. Another example is Steve Jobs' iPhone launch presentation in 2007, where video backgrounds were used to demonstrate the features of the new product. Lastly, Al Gore's presentation in 'An Inconvenient Truth' used video backgrounds to effectively communicate the impacts of climate change.

Video backgrounds can inspire and motivate people during a presentation in several ways. Firstly, they provide a unique visual twist that can make the presentation more engaging and memorable. Secondly, they can be used to enhance storytelling, making the information being presented more relatable and easier to understand. Lastly, video backgrounds can create a dynamic and immersive experience that can captivate the audience's attention and stimulate their interest.

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1. Maintaining your audience's attention

It's a well-known fact that our brains prefer visuals over text. Thus, including video backgrounds in your presentation will significantly increase the chances of retaining the "room's" attention.

2. Aiding comprehension

We all perceive information differently and some people struggle more than others. If you want to make your slides more accessible to all, add visuals, such as pictures, graphs and, of course, video backgrounds.

3. Making it memorable

Many studies showed that the combination of great visuals and less text makes information stay in our long-term memory, so use video backgrounds to make a long-lasting impression.

4. Inspiration to act

Developing a moving experience that persuades people to act is almost impossible without employing visual aids. Video backgrounds give you the power to communicate your message better and make your call to action more compelling.

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Expert advice


Monica Lueder has extensive experience creating PowerPoints for Microsoft executives, including Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella. In her article for "Fast Company," Lueder shares advice on making presentation design cohesive and engaging. Lueder stresses the importance of knowing your audience beforehand and suggests figuring out what the story is before you tell it with words and visuals.

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Monica Lueder has created PowerPoints for Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella.

Monica Lueder's advice can be applied to other presentation formats by focusing on the principles she emphasizes. Firstly, knowing your audience is crucial regardless of the format. Understanding their needs, interests, and expectations can guide the design and content of the presentation. Secondly, figuring out the story before telling it with words and visuals is a universal principle. This involves planning the narrative, determining the key points, and deciding how to visually represent them. These principles can be applied to any presentation format, from PowerPoint to Prezi, from keynote speeches to webinars.

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She writes: "When I kick off a project, I'll often create a skeleton deck with the team or executive involved. This may be notes on each slide saying what picture, graphic, or message goes on it, or maybe a quick sketch. Then below I'll paste in what we think the speech is going to say."

And continues: "Doing this helps everybody get on the same page. It also keeps you from focusing on the design of the deck before you have the actual story you are trying to tell thought out, which is a lot like trying to decorate a cake before you've baked it. Building the content can take a long time, so storyboarding the slides upfront and getting buy off really helps."

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When selecting a video background for a presentation, consider the following key components:

1. Relevance: The video background should be relevant to the topic of your presentation.

2. Distraction: It should not be too flashy or distracting that it takes away the focus from the main content.

3. Quality: The video should be of high quality. Blurry or low-resolution videos can make your presentation look unprofessional.

4. Length: If the video is too long, it might make your presentation tedious. Keep it short and engaging.

5. Compatibility: Ensure the video format is compatible with the presentation software you're using.

While I don't have a specific case study to share, it's widely recognized that video backgrounds can significantly enhance presentations. They can make the content more engaging, dynamic, and memorable. For instance, a presentation on environmental conservation could be greatly enhanced by a video background showing beautiful landscapes or endangered species. This visual element can evoke emotions and reinforce the message, making the presentation more impactful. However, it's important to ensure that the video background is relevant to the content and doesn't distract from the main message.

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