While the content does not provide specific case studies, the price-benefit positioning map is a tool developed by Richard D'Aveni, a professor of strategy at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business. It is designed to graphically capture competitive positions, serving as a basis for strategy discussions. The effectiveness of this tool would likely be demonstrated through its application in various business scenarios, where it can help clarify the positions of a company's brands and key rivals. However, for specific case studies, one might need to refer to business strategy literature or directly to works by Richard D'Aveni.

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Competitive Landscape Analysis (Part 1)

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"Whenever I've asked senior executives to map the positions of their company's brands and those of key rivals, we end up confused and dismayed," Richard D'Aveni, the Bakala Professor of Strategy at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business, shares. To solve this problem, D'Aveni came up with a tool companies could capture competitive positions graphically to serve as the basis for strategy discussions. He calls this tool "a price-benefit positioning map."

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The steps for a company to implement a price-benefit positioning map in their strategy are as follows:

1. Identify the key benefits that your product or service offers. These should be the factors that differentiate you from your competitors.

2. Determine the price range for each benefit. This will help you understand how much customers are willing to pay for each benefit.

3. Plot the benefits against the price on a graph. This will give you a visual representation of where your product or service stands in relation to your competitors.

4. Use this map to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation. This can guide your strategy and help you position your product or service effectively.

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