Yes, there are numerous successful individuals who have implemented Dale Carnegie's practices in their public speaking. Some notable examples include Warren Buffet, who has publicly credited Dale Carnegie's training with transforming his communication skills, and Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler Corporation, who also acknowledged the influence of Carnegie's principles on his leadership and public speaking style.

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How to Develop Self-confidence & Influence by Public Speaking

Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends & Influence People wrote a lesser-known book aimed explicitly at public speakers. Though the book was writ...

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Gaining the self-confidence and courage to be able to think clearly while talking to a group of people is not nearly as difficult as most people believe. It is not a gift enjoyed by only a few; it is a skill, like the ability to play golf. Anyone can develop that talent if they desire it. After all, there's no reason why you cannot think just as clearly standing in front of a group as you can while lying down. If anything, the presence of other people should spur you to function at a higher level. The key point to remember is that training and practice will wear away your stage fright and give you self-confidence.

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The training and practice methods suggested in the book can help overcome stage fright by building self-confidence and courage. These methods teach you to think clearly while speaking to a group, a skill that can be developed by anyone. The presence of others can actually spur you to function at a higher level. Regular training and practice can gradually reduce stage fright and enhance self-confidence.

The ideas presented in the book have significant potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book emphasizes the development of self-confidence and influence through public speaking, which are crucial skills in business presentations and political speeches. The strategies and tactics described in the book are timeless and applicable to various scenarios. They can help individuals think clearly while talking to a group of people, overcome stage fright, and function at a higher level in the presence of others. Therefore, the potential for implementation in real-world scenarios such as business presentations or political speeches is high.

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