Zara's approach to waste management is quite innovative compared to other business frameworks. They have a repair and reuse program where customers can drop off used garments in store. This not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainability. They are also planning to use 50% recycled material in all their new products after 2022. This is a significant step towards waste reduction and sustainability. On the other hand, many other business frameworks are still struggling to incorporate waste management strategies into their operations. They are often more focused on profit margins and growth, rather than sustainability and waste reduction.

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First, Zara will need to brainstorm how to eliminate or reverse its waste problem. It already has a repair and reuse program to drop off used garments in store, so it can dedicate more budget to grow this initiative, and maybe even modify its e-commerce storefront to offer resale directly. For delivery, it could adopt AI to calculate more accurate product volumes. For product, now that it will aim for 50% recycled material in all its new products after 2022, it may need to adapt and modify its business model to charge more for a higher margin.

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Zara's waste management framework aligns with sustainable fashion initiatives in several ways. Firstly, Zara has a repair and reuse program where customers can drop off used garments in store. This initiative not only reduces waste but also promotes the reuse of clothing. Secondly, Zara is planning to use 50% recycled material in all its new products after 2022. This will significantly reduce the demand for new raw materials, thereby reducing environmental impact. Lastly, Zara is considering the use of AI for calculating more accurate product volumes for delivery, which could potentially reduce waste from overproduction.

Some challenges Zara might face include: adapting its business model to accommodate higher costs associated with using recycled materials, expanding its repair and reuse program, and implementing AI for more accurate product volume calculations. These challenges can be overcome by allocating more budget to these initiatives, modifying its e-commerce platform to offer resale directly, and charging more for products made with a higher percentage of recycled materials to maintain profit margins.

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