Steve Jobs and his team at Apple aimed to revolutionize the way humans interact with computers by focusing on user experience and design. They believed that computers should be not just functional, but also intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.

Jobs was a strong advocate for simplicity and ease of use. He wanted to create a computer that anyone could use right out of the box, without needing to read a manual or learn complex commands. This led to the development of the graphical user interface, which uses icons and a mouse instead of text-based commands.

Jobs also believed in the power of design. He thought that computers should be beautiful and well-crafted, not just utilitarian. This led to the distinctive look of Apple products, which often set trends in the tech industry.

Finally, Jobs saw the potential of mobile computing long before many others in the industry. He pushed for the development of devices like the iPhone and iPad, which have since become ubiquitous.

In summary, Steve Jobs and his team at Apple sought to create a new vision for human-computer interaction by focusing on user experience, design, and mobile computing.

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