In project management, the 'Subprojects' tab is often used to break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, in a construction project, the 'Subprojects' tab could be used to separate different aspects of the project such as design, construction, and inspection. Each subproject could then be assigned to different team members based on their expertise. This allows for better organization and tracking of individual tasks within the larger project.

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The 'Subrojects' tab also allows assigning different team members to each subproject and categorizing them by position. This way, you can add the project leader and manager to know who is responsible for the delivery and execution. It's also possible to add other collaborators, like contractors, interior designers, financial analysts, and others.

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There are several alternative methods to categorize team members in project management. One common method is by role or function, where team members are grouped based on their specific roles or responsibilities within the project. Another method is by skill set, where team members are grouped based on their specific skills or expertise. A third method is by department or division, where team members are grouped based on their department or division within the organization. Finally, team members can also be categorized by project phase or stage, where team members are grouped based on the specific phase or stage of the project they are involved in.

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