Businesses can implement gap analysis by first identifying their current state and the desired state. This involves understanding the current performance, processes, and capabilities, and then defining the future objectives or goals. The next step is to identify the gaps between the current and desired state. This could be in terms of skills, resources, technology, or processes. Once the gaps are identified, businesses need to devise strategies and action plans to bridge these gaps. This could involve training, hiring, investing in new technology, or changing business processes. Finally, the action plans need to be implemented and the progress monitored regularly to ensure that the gaps are being bridged effectively.

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To stay afloat in a rapidly transforming market, many businesses have been forced into dramatic changes between where they were and where they need to go. Bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be with gap analysis. Find what's missing from your current state and improve accordingly. (Slide 18)

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Common challenges in applying gap analysis include: lack of clear objectives, insufficient data, and resistance to change. Overcoming these challenges involves setting clear, measurable goals, collecting and analyzing relevant data, and fostering a culture of change and continuous improvement.

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