Project dashboards can be used to track and verify data by providing a visual representation of key metrics and data points. They can display various types of information such as the status of tasks, budget allocation, and team performance. Dashboards can also be used to verify data by cross-referencing it with other sources or using built-in data validation features. For example, in the case of the COVID-19 dashboard mentioned in the content, all crowdsourced data was verified before it was put into the dashboard. This ensures that the data displayed is accurate and reliable.

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Project Dashboards Collection

Workflow disruptions, miscommunication between teams members, ineffective budgeting, misallocated labor and lack of reporting are among the most commo...

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A "COVID-19 at the White House - Public Reports" dashboard was created by Tableau Public – a free platform to publicly share and explore data visualizations online. The dashboard is a great example of a useful tool that you can get inspiration from. It displays Overview Dash with the names of everyone who interacted with the president; Test Grid which shows all the latest information on who tested positive or negative and those whose status is still unknown. You can also see key dates and events (such as debate prep and present at the debate) and explore a "cluster view" that shows first- and second-order contacts. All crowdsourced data was verified before it was put into the dashboard.

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A project dashboard can display a variety of information depending on the needs of the project. This can include project status, key performance indicators (KPIs), project timeline, budget and cost information, risk and issue tracking, and team performance. It can also display more specific information such as task completion status, resource allocation, and project milestones. The goal of a project dashboard is to provide a quick and easy-to-understand overview of the project's progress and performance.

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