Quotes from previous employers' recommendations can be used in a resume to highlight your skills, work ethic, and achievements. They can be included in the 'Experience' section under the relevant job, or in a separate 'Recommendations' or 'Testimonials' section. Make sure to choose quotes that are specific, relevant, and add value to your resume. Always ask for permission from the person you're quoting and keep the quotes brief and impactful.

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Using figures and numbers in the bullet points of a resume is recommended because it provides concrete evidence of your achievements and skills. Instead of vaguely stating that you improved a process or increased sales, using numbers can show exactly what you accomplished, such as "increased sales by 20% in the first quarter". This makes your resume more compelling and gives potential employers a clear understanding of your capabilities.

Including volunteer work history or hobbies in a resume can provide potential employers with a more comprehensive view of your skills, interests, and experiences. Volunteer work can demonstrate your commitment to community service and can highlight skills that may not be evident from your professional work history. Hobbies can show your passion, creativity, and dedication, which can be attractive to employers. However, it's important to ensure that these additions are relevant to the job you're applying for.

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