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The OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) loop and DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) model can significantly aid in decision-making by providing structured and systematic approaches. The OODA loop, developed by military strategist John Boyd, helps in making quick decisions in rapidly changing environments. It involves observing the situation, orienting oneself to the changes, deciding on the best course of action, and then acting on that decision. On the other hand, the DMAIC model, a key component of Six Sigma methodology, is used for improving existing processes. It involves defining the problem, measuring aspects of the current process, analyzing the data, improving the process based on the analysis, and controlling the future state of the process to ensure high-quality outcomes. Both these models can help in reducing bias and making more informed, data-driven decisions.
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How do you better organize your priorities to make stronger decisions backed up by data? With this collection of decision-making frameworks, you’ll le...
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When you make decisions, emotions, ego, and bias often get in the way. With these tools, you can be more organized with your decision process to better dissect a complex problem or turn a brainstorm session into a digestible dataset. Learn how to make decisions you can back up with a chart, a graph, a matrix, or a weighted table alongside how companies like Apple, Ford, Sony and Microsoft make decisions. Plus, learn about the toughest decision General Dwight Eisenhower had to make during World War 2 and how you can use his mental model for your own important decisions.
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