The Value Proposition Canvas can help differentiate a product or service from its competitors by clearly defining the unique selling points and benefits that it offers. It helps businesses understand their customers' needs and wants, and how their product or service can meet those needs better than competitors. The canvas allows businesses to identify the key features of their product or service that provide value to customers, and how these features differentiate them from competitors. It also helps in communicating this value proposition effectively to customers.

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Value Proposition (Part 2)

How do you communicate your value to customers? Use this presentation template to create your own Value Proposition Canvas and dive into the most impo...

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For example, the product is "for freelance writers who have trouble getting clients to pay on time", the "software package tracks past-due payments and sends automated reminders so you can spend your time earning money..." (Slide 7) The extended value proposition is similar, except in this case, try to add a secondary sentence that covers why your product is different or better than other competitors with proof of the benefit to be delivered. (Slide 8)

Questions and answers

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The benefit of using automated reminders in tracking past-due payments for freelance writers is that it allows them to focus more on their work and less on administrative tasks. The software package tracks past-due payments and sends automated reminders, reducing the time and effort spent on chasing payments. This can lead to increased productivity and earnings for the freelance writer.

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