Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply discovery-driven planning to their innovation strategies by focusing on activity and learning rather than results. This approach allows them to handle the uncertainty of results and the need for flexibility that are natural parts of innovation. The real potential of a new venture is discovered as it develops, a potential that would remain undiscovered by conventional business planning.

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Conventional business planning cannot handle the uncertainty of results or the need for flexibility that are natural parts of innovation. Discovery-driven planning focuses on activity and learning rather than results. The real potential of a new venture is discovered as it develops, a potential that would remain undiscovered by conventional business planning.

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Discovery-driven planning can be effectively implemented in real-world scenarios where there is a high degree of uncertainty and a need for flexibility. This could include launching a new product or service in a market that is not well understood, entering a new geographical market with different consumer behaviors, or implementing a new business model. In these scenarios, the outcomes are uncertain and the business needs to learn and adapt as it progresses. Therefore, discovery-driven planning, which focuses on learning and adapting rather than on fixed results, can be very effective.

Discovery-driven planning has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by shifting the focus from results to activity and learning. This approach allows businesses to navigate the uncertainties and need for flexibility inherent in innovation. It enables the discovery of the real potential of a new venture as it develops, a potential that might remain undiscovered with conventional business planning.

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