Viral strategies can help reduce the cost of customer acquisition by leveraging the power of word-of-mouth and social sharing. When a product or service is designed to be shareable and has a high viral coefficient, it means that existing users are likely to refer new users to the product. This can exponentially increase the user base without a proportional increase in marketing spend. The key elements of a successful viral strategy include a high-quality product, incentives for sharing, ease of sharing, and a large initial audience.

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Viral Strategies

How do some companies seem to grow exponentially? Viral strategies. Use our Viral Strategies template to incorporate a high growth mindset to scale yo...

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If you want to incorporate these viral growth strategies into your marketing initiatives, you need this presentation. Download the presentation template for more slides on branching rate, viral coefficient by segment, new referral tracking, switching cost vs. defendability, and critical mass to save time and hours of work.

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The branching rate and viral coefficient are crucial in viral strategies as they determine the potential for exponential growth. The branching rate refers to the number of people a single user can potentially reach, while the viral coefficient measures how many new users an existing user can bring in. A higher branching rate and viral coefficient can lead to rapid growth, as each user brings in more than one new user, leading to a viral effect. This can significantly reduce the cost of customer acquisition and increase the scale of the product.

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