Education contributes to human capital by enhancing individuals' skills, knowledge, and abilities. It equips them with the necessary tools to be more productive and efficient in their respective fields. This, in turn, increases their value in the community and the job market, making them more desirable to employers. Furthermore, education also expands individuals' professional networks, which can open up more opportunities for them.

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The wealthy people of capitalist nations are said to have an advantage over their counterparts. They possess something called "Human Capital." This means that they are more valued in the community because of their skillsets and professional network. People like Bill Gates will always be able to own companies and find jobs because of their skills. That does not necessarily mean that the skills they possess are any better than the next person with separate skills. It just means that they possess more human capital, which makes them more value to society. Certain skills are valued over others, making the demand for people who possess those skills greater.

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A high concentration of Human Capital in a small segment of the population can lead to economic inequality and social stratification. This is because those with high human capital - skills, knowledge, and experience - are more likely to secure high-paying jobs, accumulate wealth, and gain social prestige. This can create a divide between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', leading to social tension. Moreover, it can also lead to a waste of potential human capital in those who are not part of this small segment, as their skills and talents may not be fully utilized or recognized.

The concept of Human Capital applies to industries with a high degree of automation in several ways. Firstly, even in highly automated industries, human capital is essential for the design, maintenance, and improvement of automated systems. Secondly, human capital in the form of skills and knowledge in managing and integrating automation into business processes is crucial. Lastly, as automation takes over routine tasks, the value of human capital may shift towards more complex problem-solving and creative skills.

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