System One thinking influences our perception of new experiences by causing us to try and fit the new experience into our existing patterns of thought. This can limit our ability to fully understand and adapt to the new experience, as we are not creating new types of thought to fit the experience, but rather trying to make the experience fit our pre-existing thoughts.

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Thinking Fast and Slow

People often aren't able to come up with an answer that is logical and practical when faced with making a decision. This problem happens because we ap...

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One of the problems with System One thinking is that this approach to decision-making means trying to make a new experience fit the existing patterns of thought. When a new experience presents itself, new types of thought should be created to fit the experience, not the other way around. For example, a doctor who has only worked independently will typically approach working in a team atmosphere by referencing past experiences and thoughts. By responding to this new experience without learning about the dynamics of groups, the chances of that doctor "fitting in" will be slim.

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System One thinking can impact the learning process by limiting the ability to adapt to new experiences. This type of thinking tends to fit new experiences into existing patterns of thought, rather than creating new thought patterns to accommodate the new experiences. This can hinder learning, as it may prevent the individual from fully understanding or adapting to new situations or concepts.

Some techniques to shift from System One to System Two thinking include: practicing mindfulness, which can help you become more aware of your automatic responses and make a conscious effort to shift to more analytical thinking; engaging in critical thinking exercises, which can help you develop your analytical skills; and seeking out new experiences, which can challenge your existing patterns of thought and encourage you to think in new ways.

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