Tracking active projects with a Gantt chart and project status slider can significantly enhance business strategy. Firstly, it provides a visual representation of the project timeline, including the start and end dates of individual tasks. This helps in identifying any dependencies between tasks and understanding the overall project flow. Secondly, it allows for real-time tracking of project progress. If a task is falling behind schedule, it can be immediately identified and corrective actions can be taken. This proactive approach helps in avoiding delays and ensures timely completion of projects. Lastly, it aids in resource allocation. By knowing the status and timeline of each task, resources can be effectively allocated and managed. All these factors contribute to a more efficient and effective business strategy.

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KPIs and Performance Metrics

Does your team struggle to meet your most important business objectives?KPIs are vital for performance metrics as they create organizational accountab...

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This project management dashboard can be used to track active projects with a Gantt chart and project status slider. A Burndown chart compares planned completion of tasks against actual completion. The blue line is planned productivity, or number of tasks completed, while the green line is actual tasks completed. If the plan exceeds the actual, the team is behind schedule, but if the actual exceeds the plan, you're in good shape. The number of tasks and total hours bar chart helps PMs figure out why tasks are falling below their productivity planning — maybe there are not enough hours dedicated to a specific task, for example. (Slide 14)

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KPIs and Performance Metrics can instill self-reliance in individual team members by providing clear and measurable objectives. These metrics serve as a roadmap for employees, guiding them towards the desired outcomes. They allow team members to track their own progress and understand where they stand in relation to the team's overall goals. This encourages self-assessment and self-improvement, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership over their work. Furthermore, when team members see their contributions reflected in positive metrics, it can boost their confidence and motivate them to maintain or improve their performance.

Tasks may fall below their productivity planning due to several reasons. One common reason could be insufficient hours dedicated to a specific task. Other reasons could include lack of resources, inadequate skills or training, unrealistic planning, or unforeseen challenges and obstacles. It's important to regularly review and adjust the plan based on actual performance and changing circumstances.

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