Change is incorporated into the company-wide culture to create a lasting commitment by following a structured process. Initially, the organization creates a sense of urgency and support with a guiding coalition. This is followed by empowering broad action and recognizing short-term wins during the exploration phase. Finally, the change is integrated into the company-wide culture. This process ensures that the change is not just a temporary shift but becomes a part of the company's culture, leading to a lasting commitment.

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Change Management (Part 2)

Change can be difficult. But effective management of the change process can lead to long-lasting improvements for both the business and its people. Fr...

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Every change follows a familiar pattern. The change transition curve begins with uncertainty and then heads into a period of skepticism as productivity wanes. Luckily, this temporary drop usually bottoms out. To help with this transitional period, the organization can create a sense of urgency and support with a guiding coalition. Again, this all goes back to the importance of team communications. As skepticism bottoms out, empower broad action and recognize the short-term wins through the exploration phase. Finally, incorporate the change into the company-wide culture to create a lasting commitment.(Slide 19)

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Change management can lead to long-lasting improvements for a business by effectively managing the transition process. This involves creating a sense of urgency and support, empowering broad action, recognizing short-term wins, and incorporating the change into the company-wide culture. This process helps to mitigate uncertainty and skepticism, leading to improved productivity and a positive evolution of the business culture.

Several strategies can be used to manage the period of skepticism during change. Firstly, creating a sense of urgency can help to motivate individuals to participate in the change. Secondly, forming a guiding coalition or a group of influential people who support the change can help to drive the change forward. Thirdly, empowering broad action by removing obstacles and changing systems that undermine the change vision can help to enable the change. Lastly, recognizing and celebrating short-term wins can help to maintain momentum and motivation for the change.

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