Some alternative methods to using trend lines for analyzing complex data distributions include using scatter plots, box plots, histograms, and bar charts. These methods can provide different perspectives on the data and can be particularly useful when the data distribution is not linear. Scatter plots can show the relationship between two variables, while box plots can show the distribution of a dataset. Histograms can show the frequency of data points in different ranges, and bar charts can compare different categories of data.

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The use of trend lines in data analysis can predict future trends and potential bottlenecks by providing a visual representation of data trends over time. By tracing the line, one can spot seasons of high performance and recognize potential bottlenecks. The dotted line offers a glimpse into potential future trends based on the present data. This allows for strategic planning and decision making based on the observed trends and potential future scenarios.

Companies like Apple and Google can use trend lines in their data analysis to strategize and improve performance by tracing the line to spot seasons of high performance and recognize potential bottlenecks. They can strategize accordingly based on these insights. The dotted line offers a glimpse into potential future trends based on the present data. They can also use a date filter to view the trend line within a subset of their data, allowing them to see the trend line for a specific timeframe, such as a 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day window, or any custom timeframe they define.

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