Some common issues that can hold back a team from being effective include lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. These are the five dysfunctions that can disable a team and prevent it from achieving its goals.

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

This book focuses on how team dynamics can make or break a company. Written as a leadership fable, this story follows a leader and his team as they st...

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The team is unable to make important decisions, and the company is losing the battle for market share. By identifying the five dysfunctions that are disabling the team, the leader eventually eliminates the issues holding everyone back and turns a dysfunctional group into an effective, committed team.

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A company's leadership structure can contribute to team dysfunctions in several ways. If the leadership is not clear and decisive, it can lead to confusion and lack of direction within the team. This can result in the team being unable to make important decisions, leading to loss of market share. Additionally, if the leadership does not effectively identify and address the dysfunctions within the team, it can lead to further issues and prevent the team from becoming effective and committed.

Long-term effects of team dysfunctions on a company can be detrimental. They can lead to poor decision-making, loss of market share, and overall inefficiency. Dysfunctional teams can also lead to a lack of commitment and motivation among team members, which can further impact the company's performance and productivity. It's crucial for leaders to identify and address these dysfunctions to turn the team into an effective and committed unit.

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