Some common misconceptions about creating prototypes during a Design Sprint include:

1. Prototypes need to be perfect: In reality, the goal is to create a Minimum Viable Product that is "good enough" to be used in usability tests. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be believable.

2. Prototyping is time-consuming: The idea of a Design Sprint is to compress months of work into a single week. Thus, the prototype should be created quickly, focusing on the key features that need to be tested.

3. Only designers can create prototypes: In a Design Sprint, everyone in the team can contribute to the prototype. It's a collaborative process.

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Apple's first iPhone and Tesla's Roadster are examples of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that were created using the Goldilocks quality principle. The first iPhone, released in 2007, was far from perfect. It lacked key features that are now standard, such as copy and paste, MMS messaging, and an app store. However, it was good enough to revolutionize the smartphone industry and establish Apple as a key player. Similarly, Tesla's Roadster was the company's first vehicle. It had limited range and a high price tag, but it demonstrated the potential of electric vehicles and helped Tesla establish its brand.

Google's Design Sprint approach is unique in its speed and efficiency. It is a five-day process that compresses months of decision-making and testing into just one week. On the fourth day, a prototype is created that is of 'Goldilocks quality' - not too basic, not too advanced, but just right. This prototype is then used for usability testing. This approach is different from other prototyping methodologies which may take longer and not have such a rapid testing and feedback loop.

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