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The book 'Pre-suasion' does not provide specific examples of businesses that have successfully implemented the persuasion models discussed. However, many businesses in various industries use persuasion techniques in their marketing and sales strategies. For instance, companies often use 'priming' to influence customers' perceptions and decisions. This could involve presenting certain information or stimuli to 'prime' the customer to think or feel a certain way, thereby influencing their subsequent behavior. It's important to note that the effectiveness of these techniques can vary depending on various factors, such as the context and the individual customer.
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Discover the best ways to direct the attention of the consumer towards a company. Learn persuasion models that can be adopted by smart and savvy busin...
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The author also stresses the importance of asking a question in the proper manner which can ultimately influence customers to make a purchase. His example comes from a surprising group: religious cult recruiters. As they are taught to recruit new members, they will most likely ask someone "are you unhappy?" rather than "are you happy?" The cult recruiters do this because they understand that by "priming" the question with the issue of a person being "unhappy," they stand a higher chance of that person focusing on the negatives things in their life. In other words, what makes them feel bad, and how can the cult make them feel happier?
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