Sophia Williams, the Senior Vice President and General Manager at NCR Corporation, believes that strategic planning is an opportunity to dream big and rejuvenate your team and business. She emphasizes the importance of being open to new ideas and possibilities during the strategic planning process. This approach can lead to innovative strategies that can propel a business forward.

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Strategic Planning

Without a roadmap, a venture has little chance of a successful transition from point A to point B. While the strategic planning process demands time a...

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Sophia Williams, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Telecom and Technology Business Unit at NCR Corporation, knows a thing or two about strategic planning. "I've always felt that annual strategic planning is an opportunity to dream big and be open to reinvigorating your team and your business," she says in her article for Forbes.

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Companies can implement strategic planning in their operations by first setting clear, achievable goals. They should then analyze their current situation, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Based on this analysis, they can develop strategies to reach their goals. These strategies should be broken down into actionable steps or tasks. Companies should also establish a system for monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments. It's important to involve all relevant stakeholders in the planning process to ensure buy-in and commitment.

Common challenges in strategic planning include lack of clarity in goals, poor communication, lack of commitment, and resistance to change. These can be overcome by setting clear and measurable goals, ensuring open and transparent communication, gaining commitment from all stakeholders, and managing change effectively. It's also important to regularly review and adjust the plan as necessary.

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