Some key lessons that can be learned from the Edsel executive's admission about production mistakes include the importance of quality control and testing before product launch. It's crucial to ensure that the product performs as expected to avoid damaging the brand's reputation. Additionally, timing of the product launch is also important. Releasing a product full of errors at a wrong time can compound negative opinions among consumers and press.

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Far from being one-off mistakes in production, an Edsel executive admitted that he would estimate only about half of the cars performed properly. It's no surprise that an error-ridden model was delivered to the Consumers Union. Taken together with its ill-timed launch, the multitude of Edsels misfiring on the roads compounded negative opinions both among individual buyers and in the widely-read press.

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Modern businesses can avoid the pitfalls experienced by the Edsel by ensuring quality control in their products. Half of the Edsel cars did not perform properly, which led to negative opinions and a damaged reputation. Businesses should also consider the timing of their product launches to ensure they align with market conditions. Lastly, businesses should pay attention to public opinion and press coverage, as these can greatly influence a product's success or failure.

The negative press significantly impacted the perception of the Edsel among individual buyers. The press highlighted the numerous issues with the Edsel, including the fact that only about half of the cars performed properly. This, coupled with the ill-timed launch, led to a negative perception of the Edsel among individual buyers. The negative press reports compounded these negative opinions, leading to a further decline in the reputation and sales of the Edsel.

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