Some other consulting frameworks that can be used for business and product innovation include the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, Lean Startup Methodology, Design Thinking, and Agile Development. These frameworks provide structured approaches to innovation, helping businesses to identify opportunities, develop viable solutions, and implement them effectively.

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Consulting Frameworks for Innovation

How do you unparse complex problems with a clear and logical mind? With the right frameworks and mental models, you can confidently guide any organiza...

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This collection of consulting frameworks uses logic and time-tested frameworks geared towards business and product innovation. These tools can be used for all kinds of consulting scenarios outside of strict "innovation" but its highly tailored to help consultants guide their clients through this highly tumultuous time.

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The content does not provide specific methods used in these consulting frameworks. However, it mentions that these frameworks use logic and are time-tested, geared towards business and product innovation. They are also highly tailored to guide clients through tumultuous times.

These frameworks can be used to foster structured thinking in a business by providing a logical and time-tested approach towards business and product innovation. They can guide businesses through tumultuous times and can be applied in various consulting scenarios, not just strictly for innovation.

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