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Design thinking can be applied in various ways in business. It can be used to solve mundane day-to-day issues as well as complex problems. It can help in understanding the big picture and creating effective solutions. It's not just for the most creative or insightful, but can be used by nearly anyone in the business.
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The leader of one of the most successful design companies, Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, shares what he has learned about how to make “change by design.” Ti...
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By seeing design as the ability to understand the big picture, it takes some of the mystery out of the concept of design. This new understanding turns design thinking into a practical tool to help solve problems. Innovative design isn't reserved just for the most insightful and creative; it is a process that can be used by nearly anyone. From the mundane day-to-day issues that most people face in business to more complex issues, design thinking is a process that helps create effective solutions.
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