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Don Norman's design principles have been successfully applied in various industries. For instance, in the tech industry, Apple's products are often cited as examples of good human-centered design. The iPhone, for example, uses simplicity and intuitiveness, key principles of Norman's design philosophy. In the automotive industry, Tesla's vehicle interfaces are designed with a focus on user experience, reflecting Norman's emphasis on cognitive science. In the realm of digital interfaces, many websites and apps prioritize usability and user experience, aligning with Norman's principles.
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How do designers improve their products to work around flaws in human logic? In The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman teaches the top frameworks b...
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In , Don Norman argues that designers must accept this fact. Norman teaches the top frameworks behind this "human-centered" design system, the three most important areas of design, and why designers must consider additional principles besides logic, such as psychology, cognitive science, and art, to design excellent products that work better across any industry.
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