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The book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' does not provide specific examples of successful cases of growth hacking in the provided content. However, the book is known to discuss various successful growth hacking strategies used by companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Airbnb. These companies used innovative and low-cost strategies to gain a significant user base and revenue growth.
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How can you reach new customers, keep them active, and grow your revenue with a dash of programming smarts and a shoestring budget? Read this book sum...
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After reviewing the data reports as a team, the next step is to generate as many ideas as possible, limiting self-censorship or criticism of others' ideas. Expert growth hackers recommend allotting at least four days for all members of the growth team, and ideally others from around the company, to submit as many ideas as possible into an idea pipeline. Use a project management system and identify clear fields to be populated by such ideas. A template for idea submission is below.
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