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Roundabouts are safer, move traffic more quickly, cheaper to build and maintain, and still function when the power goes out.
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Are you constantly frustrated by silo-ed functions, meeting overload, and slow decisions-making? Your Operating System, not your strategy or business...
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Workers in the U.S. spend 16% of their working lives on internal compliance activities such as planning and budgeting. The Taylor Principles developed 100 years ago have morphed into a stifling bureaucracy, leaving us with the burden of organizational debt, that is, structures and policies that no longer serve the organization. The most widely used systems don't necessarily have the best quality. For example, in the U.S. there is only one roundabout for every 1,118 signal intersections. But roundabouts are actually safer, move traffic more quickly, cheaper to build and maintain, and still function when the power goes out. Many firms are trying to be agile by "doing"agile, adopting the methods but not the theory behind them. Certifying project managers in Scrum does not upend bureaucracy. Agile is a mindset, not a toolset. The organization's activities may be complicated—like a car engine, something that can be controlled, and its problems solved. However, the organization itself is co...
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