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Using a digital certificate as proof of experience has several benefits. Firstly, it's a convenient and efficient way to provide evidence of qualifications or experience. It can be easily shared and verified online, reducing the need for physical documentation. Secondly, it's a secure method as digital certificates are often encrypted and can be authenticated, reducing the risk of fraud or misrepresentation. Lastly, it allows organizations to easily filter and assess the core competencies of bidders, ensuring they have the necessary qualifications to complete the project.
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Need to leverage the core competencies of other organizations to accomplish a project? Use our Request for Proposal (RFP) template to guide every step...
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Equally important are the qualifications that the bidders must have. Present this list to bidders so they know what documentation or other proof of experience to provide to your organization. This proof may come in the form of a physical or digital certificate, which can be specified in the list. This is a great way to assess core competencies and filter out bidders who may not have the qualifications necessary to complete the project. (Slide 12)
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