The video backgrounds can be downloaded in either Microsoft Powerpoint or Apple Keynote formats.

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Video Backgrounds (Part 1)

Use these slides with looping background videos to inspire your customers and welcome your audiences. Download all video backgrounds in either Microso...

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And continue: "Recognizing the ubiquity and epistemic imperialism of the slide deck, many artists – including David Byrne, Tan Lin, Daniel Eatock, Timothy Evans, Michael Riedel, Linda Dong, Simon Denny, and Tony Cokes – have taken up the medium, adapting its modes of address to comment on contemporary managerialism, information labor, and media culture." This means that adding video backgrounds to your presentations will greatly enhance your influencing the audience's perception of your message.

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Video backgrounds can be used to comment on contemporary managerialism, information labor, and media culture by enhancing the visual appeal and engagement of the presentation. They can help to illustrate and emphasize the points being made, making the content more relatable and understandable. They can also be used to create a certain mood or atmosphere, influencing the audience's perception and interpretation of the information being presented. Furthermore, they can serve as a form of visual commentary or critique, challenging conventional modes of presentation and communication.

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