Individuals like Bill Gates are wealthy due to their innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and the ability to create products or services that are highly demanded in the market. They also have the ability to manage and grow their wealth through smart investments and business decisions.

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is broken down into many subjects that explain how each aspect of the economy affects the other. Wheelan is a firm believer in Keynes Economics—that the markets should work themselves out—and why he feels the government should not intervene. He informs the reader of why people such as Bill Gates are rich and how they continue to get richer. He clarifies how the Federal Reserve works and why it is needed. There are no supply and demand, mathematical, or other graphs inserted into this read; only clear, concise, and comprehensible language that anyone can understand.

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Charles Wheelan, an economist and author, has not specifically detailed his views on international trade. However, based on his economic philosophy, we can infer some possible perspectives.

Wheelan is a proponent of Keynesian economics, which suggests that markets should be allowed to work themselves out without government intervention. This could imply that he supports free trade, as it allows markets to interact and compete without government-imposed barriers.

Strengths of international trade, according to this perspective, could include increased competition, access to a broader range of goods and services, and the potential for economic growth and development.

However, the weaknesses could be that it might lead to job losses in certain sectors due to competition with cheaper foreign labor, and it could potentially exacerbate income inequality, as benefits of trade may not be evenly distributed.

Remember, these are inferred views based on Wheelan's economic philosophy, not his explicit statements.

Charles Wheelan has not specifically discussed the strengths and weaknesses of externalities in his works. However, based on his economic views, we can infer some possible perspectives.

Strengths: Externalities can lead to innovation and growth. For example, a positive externality could be the development of new technologies that benefit society.

Weaknesses: Externalities can lead to market failures. Negative externalities, such as pollution, represent costs not accounted for in the market price, leading to overproduction and inefficiency.

Remember, these are inferred views based on Wheelan's general economic philosophy and may not represent his exact thoughts on externalities.

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