The high cost of sports broadcasting rights can potentially increase the cost of sports broadcasts for viewers. Broadcasters and streaming services, who pay billions of dollars for these rights, may pass on some of these costs to viewers in the form of higher subscription fees or pay-per-view charges. However, the actual impact on affordability can vary depending on various factors, including the business strategies of the broadcasters and streaming services, competition in the market, and regulatory policies.

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From 1980 through 2023, the five largest professional US sports leagues will have earned more than $210 billion from domestic media rights alone, with the NFL making up a staggering 65%, or one hundred and thirty-six billion of that revenue. In 2023, broadcasters and streaming services will pay $15.4 billion a year for all their sports broadcasting rights. That's billions of dollars for billions of viewers. (Source)

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A shift in viewer preferences towards streaming services could have significant implications for sports leagues. It could potentially lead to a change in the distribution of revenue, as streaming services may not be willing or able to pay as much as traditional broadcasters for rights. Additionally, it could lead to a more global audience, as streaming services often have a wider reach than traditional broadcasters. However, it could also lead to challenges in terms of maintaining viewer engagement and loyalty, as viewers may have more options and therefore be more likely to switch between different sports or leagues.

Increasing revenue from international media rights can have several benefits for sports leagues. Firstly, it can significantly boost their overall revenue, allowing them to invest more in the sport, its players, and infrastructure. Secondly, it can help in expanding their global footprint and popularity, attracting more international fans and players. Thirdly, it can provide a more stable and diversified revenue stream, reducing their reliance on domestic markets and revenues. Lastly, it can also increase their bargaining power with broadcasters and sponsors, potentially leading to more favorable deals.

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