Xerox's influence on corporate strategies and business models can be seen in its revolutionary approach to problem-solving. The company was able to create a product that made dry, good-quality, permanent copies on ordinary paper with minimal trouble. This innovation led to a significant increase in the number of copies made, from twenty million in the 1950s to tens of billions in the 1960s. This demonstrates the power of innovation and the impact it can have on a company's success. It also shows the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs, as Xerox did by making the process of making copies easier and more efficient.

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Xerox, on the other hand, was able to make dry, good-quality, permanent copies on ordinary paper with minimal trouble. Making duplicates was now deemed "a revolution comparable in importance to the invention of the wheel." Copies soared from twenty million in the 1950s to the tens of billions in the 1960s, all due to the Xerox Corporation.

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A startup can learn from Xerox Corporation's story by focusing on innovation and creating a product that revolutionizes an existing process or industry. Xerox was successful because they were able to make dry, good-quality, permanent copies on ordinary paper with minimal trouble, which was a significant improvement over existing methods. This innovation led to a massive increase in the number of copies made, from twenty million in the 1950s to tens of billions in the 1960s. A startup can use this framework by identifying a need in the market, creating an innovative solution, and effectively marketing that solution to potential customers.

Yes, there are several contemporary companies that have implemented practices similar to Xerox Corporation. For instance, Apple Inc. is known for its innovation and user-friendly design, much like Xerox was for its revolutionary copying technology. Similarly, Google has also implemented practices of innovation and user-centric design. These companies, like Xerox, have revolutionized their respective industries with their unique practices and innovations.

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