The cohort analysis visualization provides insights into customer satisfaction by showing the percentage of customer retention over time. Each row in the table represents a different cohort and the month they joined. The data shows a trend where customers are mostly satisfied in the first three months, but then there's a drop-off after the first quarter. This pattern can help identify areas for improvement in customer retention strategies.

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This cohort analysis visualization quantifies the percent of customer retention by total customers. Each row in the table represents a different cohort and the month they joined. Since cohort one joined in January, 100% have been retained. The next cell is blank because it's focused on new members from February. This data helps you visualize a trend to discover where churn becomes a pattern over time. For example, it looks like customers are mostly satisfied in the first three months, but then drop off after the first quarter. This will help you analyze what is missing to improve retention based on churn patterns. (Slide 7)

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Understanding churn patterns can significantly contribute to a more effective customer acquisition strategy. By analyzing churn patterns, businesses can identify the reasons why customers leave and at what point in their customer journey. This information can be used to improve the product or service, enhance customer service, and tailor marketing strategies to address the identified issues. It can also help in segmenting the customers and predicting future churn, allowing businesses to proactively address the issues and retain customers. Ultimately, this leads to more effective customer acquisition as the business is better equipped to attract and retain customers.

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