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The process of replacing untruths with reality involves recognizing that every stressful feeling is being supported by an untrue thought. Once this is acknowledged, one can commit to exposing that untruth and replacing it with reality. This process forms the basis for doing The Work.
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At the age of 43, Byron Katie was paralyzed by depression, rage, and paranoia, but that dark time gave rise to a transformative process she calls “The...
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Before people can truly undertake The Work, they must believe that the capacity for their happiness lies exclusively within themselves. Those who pin happiness and peace to other people or circumstances will struggle to resolve the chasm between their thoughts and reality. As Katie explains, everything in our lives can be defined as one of three kinds of business: mine, yours and God's. The only way to achieve harmony is to focus only on your business, leaving the things others can control in their court and surrendering the things that only God can change. When a person recognizes every stressful feeling is being propped up by an untrue thought, he or she can commit to exposing that untruth and replacing it with reality. That process lays the foundation for doing The Work.
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