According to Asana's productivity tips, the recommended approach to handling tasks is to not start any work before you have a task assigned for it, including checking your inbox. It is also advised to always set a due date for every task. On or before a task's due date, you should either complete it or assign a new due date. This conscious focus on due dates helps you stay productive and focused on completing tasks in a timely manner.

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Productivity Planner (Part 2)

Ever wondered how Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk stay so productive? What about how Google, Asana, or LinkedIn plan their own productivity? Our Productivity...

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Asana is a productivity SaaS tool that many businesses use for team management, and publishes a blog with productivity tips provided by its team. The company's Engineering Manager Greg Sabo recommends not to do any work before you have a task assigned for it, which includes checking your inbox. He also says you should always set a due date for every task. On or before a task's due date, you should either complete it or assign a new due date. This conscious focus on due dates helps you stay productive and focused on completing tasks in a timely manner.

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Asana's productivity framework is unique in its focus on task management and due dates. It emphasizes not starting any work until a task is assigned and always setting a due date for every task. This approach ensures that tasks are completed in a timely manner and helps maintain productivity. However, it's difficult to compare it directly with other business productivity frameworks without specific examples. Each framework has its own strengths and is designed to address different aspects of productivity.

Other companies can implement Asana's productivity techniques by adopting a task-oriented approach. This includes not starting any work until a task has been assigned for it, which can help prevent unnecessary work and maintain focus. Additionally, setting a due date for every task can ensure that work is completed in a timely manner. If a task is not completed by its due date, it should be reassigned a new due date. This conscious focus on due dates can help teams stay productive and focused.

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