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Ego plays a significant role in the perception of success and failure. It can often distort our view of reality, making us perceive our successes as more significant than they are and our failures as more catastrophic. However, a balanced ego can help us learn from our mistakes and failures, leading to personal growth and improvement. It's important to maintain self-awareness and humility, recognizing that we are not infallible and that things will not always go our way.
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This book explains how people tend to think that the world revolves around them. The "it's all about me" approach comes from the ego, and this thinkin...
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"All great men and women went through difficulties to get to where they are, all of them made mistakes. They found within those experiences some benefit, even if it was simply the realization that they were not infallible and that things would not always go their way. They found that self-awareness was the way out and through, if they hadn't, they wouldn't have gotten better and they wouldn't have been able to rise again."
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