In the RAPID model, the Decision role is responsible for making the final decision after considering the proposal prepared by the Recommend role. This proposal is prepared with feedback from the Input role and agreement from the Agree role. Once the Decision role makes a decision, they communicate the action for the Perform role to execute.

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Bain's RAPID Decision-making Model

Decision-making is a critical skill that can make and break your team’s success. Originally developed by management consultancy Bain, the RAPID model...

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A simple overview of the RAPID process is as follows: The need for a critical decision is identified. The Recommend role determines who the Decision role will be, then the Recommend and Decision roles determine any other stakeholders and assign their roles. Recommend prepares their proposal, gets feedback from the Input role, then discusses their initial proposal with the Agree role. With input and agreement from the corresponding roles, Recommend takes their proposal to Decision. Decision then decides and communicates the action for the Perform role to execute.

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The RAPID decision-making model can be implemented in a business operation by following these steps:

1. Identify the need for a critical decision.
2. Determine who will play the 'Recommend' role. This person will identify who the 'Decision' role will be.
3. The 'Recommend' and 'Decision' roles then determine any other stakeholders and assign their roles.
4. The 'Recommend' role prepares their proposal, gets feedback from the 'Input' role, then discusses their initial proposal with the 'Agree' role.
5. With input and agreement from the corresponding roles, the 'Recommend' role takes their proposal to the 'Decision' role.
6. The 'Decision' role then decides and communicates the action for the 'Perform' role to execute.

This model ensures that all stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process and that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

Sure, let's consider a business scenario where a company needs to decide on a new marketing strategy. The CEO (Decision role) identifies the need for a new strategy. The Marketing Director (Recommend role) is tasked to come up with a proposal. The Director consults with the Sales and Product teams (Input role) for their insights and feedback. The proposal is then discussed with the CFO (Agree role) to ensure it aligns with the company's financial goals. Once the proposal is refined and agreed upon, it's presented to the CEO who makes the final decision. The Marketing team (Perform role) then executes the approved strategy.

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