Alibaba can implement several strategies to combat the issue of counterfeit products. First, they can enhance their verification process for sellers to ensure only legitimate businesses are allowed to sell on their platform. Second, they can invest in advanced technology to detect and remove counterfeit listings. Third, they can strengthen their cooperation with brands and authorities to take legal action against counterfeiters. Lastly, they can educate consumers about the dangers of counterfeit products and how to identify them.

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Another issue that is plaguing Alibaba's Chinese marketplaces, "Forbes" reports, is the massive presence of counterfeit products. A few years back, the company had come under criticism from China's regulatory authority State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) for not doing enough to stop illegal activities on its Taobao marketplace. Also, the American Apparel and Footwear Association had concerns pertaining to the sale of counterfeit products on Alibaba's C2C marketplace. In May 2015, Kering, which owns luxury brands Gucci and Saint Laurent filed a lawsuit against Alibaba on charges of trademark infringement and counterfeiting.

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Regulatory authorities like the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) in China play a crucial role in controlling the sale of counterfeit products on online platforms. They enforce laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights and consumer protection. They can issue warnings, impose fines, and even shut down businesses that violate these laws. They also work with online platforms to improve their internal controls and mechanisms for detecting and removing counterfeit listings. However, the effectiveness of these measures can vary and counterfeit products remain a significant issue on many online platforms.

The lawsuit filed by Kering against Alibaba for trademark infringement and counterfeiting had a significant impact on Alibaba's business operations. It brought to light the issue of counterfeit products on Alibaba's marketplaces, which had been a concern for various stakeholders, including China's regulatory authority and the American Apparel and Footwear Association. This led to increased scrutiny and criticism of Alibaba, which in turn may have forced the company to take more stringent measures to combat the sale of counterfeit products on its platforms. This could have involved additional resources and changes in their operations and policies.

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