'Brainstorms in a darkened room' are considered ineffective because they often lack structure and clear objectives. They can lead to a lot of ideas being thrown around without any real focus or direction. This can result in a lack of actionable outcomes and can waste valuable time and resources. Furthermore, they may not foster an environment of open communication, as some participants may feel uncomfortable or intimidated to share their ideas in such a setting.

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Elegance Deck

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Bay writes: "Elegance in business is about seeking simplicity out of complexity, long-lasting foundations for success rather than short-term stop gaps, incredible customer service for the long term rather quick shiny idea that dissolves within a week, real inspiration instead of ineffective 'brainstorms in a darkened room'."

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Some successful brainstorming techniques that can replace 'brainstorms in a darkened room' include the use of mind maps, the SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse), the Six Thinking Hats method, and the use of digital brainstorming tools. These methods encourage creative thinking and can lead to more effective and innovative ideas.

Real inspiration in a business setting can be encouraged by seeking simplicity out of complexity, building long-lasting foundations for success, providing incredible customer service, and promoting genuine, effective brainstorming sessions instead of ineffective ones.

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