
¿Será el Super Bowl el evento deportivo más transmitido en streaming para 2030?

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué deporte será responsable del evento en vivo más visto en 2030?

Desde 1980 hasta 2023, las cinco mayores ligas deportivas profesionales de Estados Unidos habrán ganado más de $210 mil millones solo de los derechos de medios domésticos, con la NFL representando un asombroso 65%, o ciento treinta y seis mil millones de ese ingreso. En 2023, las emisoras y los servicios de streaming pagarán $15.4 mil millones al año por todos sus derechos de transmisión deportiva. Son miles de millones de dólares para miles de millones de espectadores. (Fuente)

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A shift in viewer preferences towards streaming services could have significant implications for sports leagues. It could potentially lead to a change in the distribution of revenue, as streaming services may not be willing or able to pay as much as traditional broadcasters for rights. Additionally, it could lead to a more global audience, as streaming services often have a wider reach than traditional broadcasters. However, it could also lead to challenges in terms of maintaining viewer engagement and loyalty, as viewers may have more options and therefore be more likely to switch between different sports or leagues.

Increasing revenue from international media rights can have several benefits for sports leagues. Firstly, it can significantly boost their overall revenue, allowing them to invest more in the sport, its players, and infrastructure. Secondly, it can help in expanding their global footprint and popularity, attracting more international fans and players. Thirdly, it can provide a more stable and diversified revenue stream, reducing their reliance on domestic markets and revenues. Lastly, it can also increase their bargaining power with broadcasters and sponsors, potentially leading to more favorable deals.

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Bajo algunos de los acuerdos más recientes, las redes de televisión pagarán alrededor de 2 veces sus tarifas actuales para transmitir los juegos de la NFL, y Apple firmó un acuerdo para pagar alrededor de 3 veces el valor del contrato anterior de la Major League Soccer. Esa prima masiva se debe a que casi todos los eventos en vivo más vistos de todos los tiempos fueron eventos deportivos. (Fuente)

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These deals could significantly impact the dynamics of sports viewership. The increased investment by TV networks and tech companies like Apple indicates a growing value and demand for live sports content. This could lead to more competitive bidding for broadcasting rights in the future, potentially driving up the cost for viewers. Additionally, it could also lead to a shift in the way sports are consumed, with more viewers potentially moving towards digital platforms that offer these broadcasts.

The potential impacts on the broadcasting industry due to these deals could be significant. The increased fees for broadcasting rights could lead to higher costs for broadcasters, which could be passed on to consumers in the form of higher subscription fees. Additionally, the increased investment in sports broadcasting could lead to a greater focus on live sports content, potentially at the expense of other types of programming. However, the high viewership of live sports events could also lead to increased advertising revenue for broadcasters.

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Entonces, con todos estos acuerdos de derechos deportivos insanos durante el último año, donde los streamers y las redes de cable tradicionales por igual gastaron miles de millones de dólares por los derechos para transmitir deportes, teníamos una pregunta: ¿qué deporte generará el mayor retorno de inversión y se convertirá en el campeón indiscutible para ganar las guerras de streaming de una vez por todas?

Vamos a mostrar nuestro análisis: todas las ligas deportivas de mayor crecimiento, cara a cara. Mostraremos nuestros datos, luego tú nos dices qué piensas: ¿Qué liga deportiva será responsable del evento más transmitido en 2030? ¿Será la FIFA... o la NFL? ¿La NBA... o el Cricket y la IPL? ¿Y cómo afecta la transición al streaming deportivo a la audiencia deportiva en general? Lee más abajo para descubrirlo.

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Potential cybersecurity risks associated with sports streaming include unauthorized access, data breaches, malware attacks, phishing scams, and DDoS attacks. These risks can lead to loss of sensitive data, disruption of service, and potential financial losses.

Sports streaming could significantly impact the production and broadcasting of sports events. It could lead to a shift in focus towards creating content that is more suitable for online platforms. This could include shorter, more engaging content to cater to online audiences. Additionally, it could also lead to an increase in the production of behind-the-scenes content, as online platforms can offer the space for such additional content. Broadcasting could become more globalized, as streaming platforms can potentially reach a global audience. This could lead to changes in broadcasting times to cater to different time zones. Furthermore, it could also lead to changes in advertising strategies, as online platforms offer different opportunities for targeted advertising.

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Primero: Cricket y la India Premier League (IPL)

Entonces, comencemos nuestro enfrentamiento de fantasía con dos recién llegados: Cricket y la IPL versus baloncesto y la NBA. Detrás del fútbol, el cricket es en realidad el segundo deporte más popular del mundo, con aproximadamente 2.5 mil millones de fanáticos, predominantemente basados en un puñado de países en Asia Pacífico. De hecho, el mercado deportivo indio está dominado en un 90% por el cricket. Pero aproximadamente 2.2 mil millones de personas vieron la copa mundial de cricket de 2015. (Fuente)

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The dominance of cricket in the Indian sports market has significantly influenced the global popularity of the sport. India, with its vast population, is a major contributor to the global cricket fan base. The Indian Premier League (IPL), one of the most popular cricket leagues in the world, has attracted a global audience with its high-profile players, intense competition, and lucrative sponsorship deals. This has helped to spread the popularity of the sport beyond the traditional cricket-playing nations. Furthermore, the broadcasting of cricket matches and tournaments on international sports channels has also increased the sport's global visibility and popularity.

Several factors could contribute to the Indian Premiere League (IPL) surpassing the NBA in popularity. Firstly, cricket is the second most popular sport in the world, with a significant fan base in Asia Pacific, particularly in India where the sports market is 90% dominated by cricket. This provides a large potential audience for the IPL. Secondly, the IPL has been successful in marketing and commercializing the sport, attracting high-profile players and sponsors. Lastly, the growth of digital media and online streaming platforms could also contribute to the IPL's global reach and popularity.

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La federación de cricket de la India Premier League acaba de vender sus derechos de medios por $6.2 mil millones para el ciclo 2023 a 2027 en una división de dos vías entre Disney Star, la red de televisión de Disney en India, y Viacom 18. Esta es una etiqueta de precio bastante grande indicativa del potencial de crecimiento, pero curiosamente, Disney decidió pasar de los derechos de streaming para la IPL hasta 2027, y mantuvo los derechos de televisión en su lugar. ¿Por qué es eso? (Fuente)

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The sale of media rights for $6.2 billion could significantly impact the growth potential of the India Premier League (IPL) cricket federation. This large sum indicates a high level of interest and investment in the league, which could lead to increased visibility and popularity. The funds could be used to improve the league's infrastructure, invest in player development, and enhance marketing efforts. However, it's interesting to note that Disney chose to keep the TV rights and pass on the streaming rights until 2027. This could suggest a belief in the continued relevance of traditional broadcast media in India, or a strategic move to leverage both platforms for maximum reach and revenue.

Several factors could have influenced Disney's decision to pass on the streaming rights for the IPL until 2027. One possible reason could be the high cost of the streaming rights. Another factor could be the uncertainty of the streaming market in India. Despite the growing popularity of streaming services, traditional TV still has a strong presence in India. Disney might have decided to focus on the TV rights, which are a more secure and proven source of revenue. Additionally, Disney might be planning to invest in their own streaming service in India in the future.

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Porque el 42% de los indios todavía prefieren ver el deporte en su televisor. El servicio de televisión Star de Disney ya tiene la escala que necesita para dominar, por lo que no necesitaba romperse los dientes superando a Amazon, Viacom18, Sony y una serie de otros para ganar los derechos de streaming. El cricket actualmente atrae al 93% de toda la audiencia deportiva en India. Pero, ¿eso significa que el cricket podría ser el evento de transmisión en vivo más visto en 2030 a medida que los fanáticos indios sueltan sus controles remotos de televisión y los vuelven a recoger para encender su aplicación de streaming? (Fuente)

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The shift from television to streaming apps could potentially increase the viewership of sports events like cricket in India. This is because streaming apps offer the convenience of watching from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Moreover, they often provide additional features like instant replays, statistics, and commentary that enhance the viewing experience. However, the success of this shift would largely depend on factors such as the availability and affordability of high-speed internet, the pricing of the streaming services, and the ease of use of these apps. It's also important to note that a significant portion of the Indian population still prefers to watch sports on television, so a complete shift might take some time.

It's difficult to predict with certainty if the Indian Premiere League (IPL) will become the most-watched live-streaming event in 2030. However, considering the current trends, it's a possibility. Cricket draws 93% of all sports viewership in India, and with the increasing accessibility and popularity of streaming services, more fans might switch from traditional TV to streaming platforms. The IPL, being one of the most popular cricket leagues, could potentially see a significant increase in its streaming viewership. However, this also depends on various factors such as the growth of internet infrastructure in India, the pricing and quality of streaming services, and the marketing strategies of the IPL and streaming platforms.

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Ahora, comparemos el Cricket con el Baloncesto y la NBA

Comparemos el cricket con el baloncesto, que tiene 2.2 mil millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. Eso está justo detrás del cricket, pero el baloncesto ha podido aumentar su seguimiento en Europa gracias a la inclusión de más jugadores europeos. China también es un mercado masivo para la NBA, y ha crecido en prominencia desde que Yao Ming se unió a la NBA (la representación importa, ya que puede exponer a una audiencia completamente nueva a tu deporte). (Fuente)

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Yao Ming's joining the NBA has significantly influenced the prominence of the sport in China. His participation in the NBA as a Chinese player has exposed a whole new audience to basketball, making it more popular in China. Yao Ming's success in the NBA has also inspired many young Chinese athletes to pursue basketball, further boosting the sport's popularity in the country.

The inclusion of more European players in basketball, particularly in the NBA, has significantly contributed to the sport's popularity in Europe. This is because representation matters in sports. When fans see players from their region or country performing at a high level in a global league like the NBA, it can attract a whole new audience to the sport. This has helped basketball grow its following in Europe, making it a truly global sport.

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Curiosamente, un par de países predominantemente de habla hispana han aumentado su nivel de interés en el deporte, por lo que América Latina podría ser un gran área de crecimiento para la NBA también. Entonces, ¿qué deporte tiene más potencial? ¿Puede el cricket expandir su alcance fuera de Asia Pacífico mientras el baloncesto crece su alcance en América Latina o más hacia Asia? (Fuente)

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Both cricket and basketball have significant potential for expansion. Cricket, predominantly popular in Asia Pacific, has the potential to expand its reach to other regions. On the other hand, basketball, already popular in North America, is gaining interest in Spanish-language countries, indicating potential growth in Latin America and further into Asia. However, the rate of expansion would depend on various factors such as marketing strategies, accessibility, and cultural acceptance of the sport.

Cricket has the potential to expand its popularity beyond the Asia Pacific region. However, this would require strategic planning and investment. The International Cricket Council (ICC) would need to promote the sport in new regions, invest in grassroots development, and organize more international matches involving non-traditional cricketing nations. Additionally, broadcasting rights and partnerships with local sports networks would be crucial in making the sport more accessible to people in different regions.

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Desafortunadamente, no tenemos guerras de ofertas actualizadas para el baloncesto que nos den una pista de lo que piensan los streamers. La liga renovó más recientemente sus derechos de medios en un acuerdo por $24 mil millones, que fue en 2016. Esa es una gran cantidad, pero eso fue hace más de 9 años, y está en renovación en 2025, por lo que imaginamos que eso va a ver un aumento bastante grande también. (Fuente)

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It's difficult to predict with certainty whether the NBA's media rights renewal in 2025 will surpass the NFL and FIFA in terms of return on investment. The NBA's last media rights deal was for $24 billion in 2016, and it's expected to see a significant increase in 2025. However, the NFL and FIFA also have strong media rights deals and a large global audience. The outcome will depend on various factors including the growth of the leagues, the evolution of media consumption, and the strategic decisions of the leagues.

The sports streaming rights deals have significantly evolved since the last NBA media rights renewal in 2016. With the rise of digital platforms and the increasing demand for online content, many sports leagues have started to negotiate more lucrative deals with streaming services. This trend is expected to continue as more consumers shift towards streaming platforms for sports content. However, specific details about the evolution of these deals since 2016 are not available in the provided content.

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Si queremos seguir el dinero, el baloncesto tiene el salario mediano más alto de cualquier otra liga deportiva con $3.8 millones. En conjunto, los diez jugadores mejor pagados de la NBA están listos para recaudar $751 millones antes de impuestos y honorarios de agentes, lo cual es un aumento del 122% con respecto a hace diez años. Compare eso con el salario mediano de $860,000 para la NFL y el salario mediano de $100,000 para los jugadores de cricket en India. (Fuente)

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The high median salary of NBA players could impact the league's return on investment in sports streaming rights in several ways. Firstly, the high salaries could be a sign of the league's popularity and high-quality players, which could attract more viewers to the streams, increasing revenue. Secondly, the high salaries could also mean higher costs for the league, which could reduce the return on investment if the revenue from streaming does not exceed these costs. Lastly, the high salaries could potentially be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for streaming rights, as popular players could attract lucrative deals.

Several factors have contributed to the significant increase in the salaries of the NBA's top ten highest-paid players over the last ten years. These include the growth of the league's revenue, which is largely driven by lucrative TV and streaming rights deals, increased fan engagement, and the overall popularity of the sport. Additionally, the NBA's collective bargaining agreement, which ensures players receive a certain percentage of the league's revenue, has also played a role. Finally, individual player performance and marketability can significantly impact a player's salary.

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Hablando financieramente, hay un fuerte dinero detrás de la NBA, pero realmente se reduce a la demografía y qué liga puede aumentar su atractivo en otros países más rápido en los próximos siete años. ¿Cuál crees que gana este enfrentamiento? ¿Cricket o NBA? ¡Háganos saber en los comentarios!

Tercero, el fútbol americano y la NFL

Finalmente, nuestro principal desafío cara a cara: la NFL versus la FIFA. La NFL es la liga deportiva profesional más rentable en los Estados Unidos. Los ingresos de la NFL alcanzaron casi $18 mil millones en 2021. De las 100 transmisiones en vivo más vistas en los Estados Unidos entre 2018 y 2021, la NFL contó con más de 300. Y a nivel mundial, se estima que la NFL tiene más de 400 millones de fanáticos. (Fuente)

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The growth of sports streaming rights deals has significantly impacted the revenue of the NFL. As more consumers shift towards online platforms for sports consumption, the demand for sports streaming has increased. This has led to lucrative deals for the NFL with various streaming platforms. These deals have contributed to the NFL's revenue, which reached nearly $18 billion in 2021. The NFL's popularity, both in the US and globally, makes it a valuable asset for streaming platforms, further driving up the price of streaming rights deals.

Several factors have contributed to the NFL becoming the most profitable professional sports league in the US. Firstly, the NFL has a large and dedicated fan base, with an estimated 400 million fans globally. This fan base translates into high viewership for games, especially for high-profile events like the Super Bowl. Secondly, the NFL has been successful in securing lucrative broadcasting rights deals, which have significantly boosted its revenues. In 2021, the NFL's revenues reached nearly $18 billion. Lastly, the NFL's profitability is also due to its effective marketing strategies, which have helped to increase its popularity and attract sponsors.

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Forbes estima que el jugador mejor pagado en la NFL esta temporada, Aaron Rodgers, gana aproximadamente $68 millones, mientras que Lionel Messi gana casi el doble de eso, $130 millones. Eso también pone a Messi justo por delante de Lebron James de la NBA, el jugador de la NBA mejor pagado de todos los tiempos, que espera obtener ganancias antes de impuestos de $124 millones de su salario en la cancha de 2022 a 23 y los endosos fuera de la cancha. Mientras que el salario promedio en la NFL es más como $2.7 millones, los jugadores en la Premier League del Reino Unido ganan un salario promedio de $3.9 millones, la liga mejor pagada en Europa. (Fuente)

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Off-the-court endorsements significantly impact the total earnings of top NBA players like Lebron James. These endorsements often come from major brands and can add millions of dollars to a player's income. For instance, Lebron James' total earnings for the 2022 to 23 season are estimated to be $124 million, a substantial portion of which comes from off-the-court endorsements. These endorsements not only supplement a player's on-court salary but also provide financial security and additional income streams.

The average salary in the NFL is approximately $2.7 million, while players in the UK's Premier League make an average salary of $3.9 million, making it the highest-paying league in Europe.

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La NFL gana más por año en los Estados Unidos que cualquier otra liga deportiva importante. En segundo lugar está la NBA, con $2.6 mil millones por año. La NFL renovó su contrato de derechos de medios el año pasado por la suma de un acuerdo de televisión de $105 mil millones de 2023 a 2033. Eso es $10.5 mil millones por año. La Premier League, la liga de fútbol más vista del mundo, recientemente renovó su propio acuerdo de derechos de medios globales, donde sus derechos de streaming internacionales se vendieron por $7.1 mil millones y los derechos domésticos por $6.9 mil millones. Esto le traerá a la liga un total de $14 mil millones en los próximos tres años. Pero eso es $4.6 mil millones por año en comparación con $10.5 mil millones. Un deporte con 12 veces menos fanáticos generando 2 veces más podría ser indicativo del potencial de crecimiento. Pero, ¿es el dinero solo un buen indicador? Lo que realmente importa para 2030 aquí es el potencial de crecimiento. (Fuente)

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Based on the current growth trends and media rights deals, the NFL seems to be the sports league that could potentially have the highest return on investment by 2030. The NFL makes more per year in the US than every other major sports league and has recently renewed its media rights contract for a $105 billion TV deal from 2023 to 2033. However, it's important to note that growth potential is a significant factor to consider. While the NFL currently leads in terms of revenue, other leagues like the NBA or the Premier League could catch up depending on their growth trajectories.

The growth potential of the NFL compared to other major sports leagues like the NBA and the Premier League can be gauged by looking at their current earnings and fan base. The NFL currently makes more per year in the US than any other major sports league, with a $105 billion TV deal from 2023 to 2033. This is significantly higher than the NBA's $2.6 billion per year. The Premier League, despite having a larger global audience, earns less per year than the NFL. However, the fact that a sport with fewer fans (NFL) is making more money could indicate growth potential. Ultimately, the growth potential of these leagues will depend on factors such as their ability to expand their fan base, secure lucrative media rights deals, and adapt to changes in the sports industry.

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Por ejemplo, ¿el reciente acuerdo de Amazon Prime para que el Thursday Night Football se transmita en la plataforma de streaming internacional ayudará a la NFL a aumentar su audiencia fuera de los Estados Unidos? Considerando que la base de fanáticos del fútbol americano está fuertemente concentrada en América del Norte, Australia y algunos países de América Latina y Europa, el deporte tiene un enorme potencial de crecimiento en Asia. La NFL todavía está detrás de la NBA en popularidad en los principales mercados asiáticos como China. El único otro mercado único con una cuota de mercado similar (y pronto será más) que China es India. (Fuente)

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It's difficult to predict with certainty, but the NFL is making strides to increase its international popularity, which could potentially lead to surpassing FIFA in terms of streaming popularity by 2030. The recent deal with Amazon Prime for streaming Thursday Night Football internationally is a significant step towards this goal. However, the NFL's fan base is currently concentrated in North America, Australia, and some countries in Latin America and Europe, with significant growth potential in Asia. The NFL still lags behind the NBA in popularity in major Asian markets like China and India, which are key to global streaming dominance. Therefore, while the NFL is growing, it has a considerable challenge to overcome to surpass FIFA, which has a more globally dispersed fan base.

India plays a significant role in the global market share of sports streaming. It is one of the single markets with a similar and soon to be more market share than China. The popularity of sports like cricket in India, coupled with the rapid growth of digital platforms, has made it a key player in the sports streaming market. The Indian Premier League (IPL) is one of the most-watched sports leagues globally, contributing significantly to the global sports streaming market.

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India realmente lanzó su propia liga de fútbol americano en 2011, pero solo transmitió una temporada a hogares en India, Pakistán y Sri Lanka antes de que se pusiera en pausa indefinida. El gran problema con la NFL en India es la falta de familiaridad con el deporte. Pero dos tendencias podrían cambiar esto: el auge de los juegos de fantasía en India y la batalla por controlar India en las guerras de streaming. En el último recuento, Amazon tiene alrededor de 13.6 millones de suscriptores en India y ocupa el sexto lugar en cuanto al mercado de streaming de India. El servicio Hotstar de Disney es actualmente el número uno con alrededor de 50 millones de suscriptores. El interés en Amazon Prime en India ha continuado creciendo, y a medida que Amazon aumenta su marketing en India, existe la posibilidad de que el fácil acceso al fútbol de los jueves por la noche durante los próximos diez años pueda atraer a nuevos aficionados. (Fuente)

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The future strategy of Disney's new CEO, Bob Iger, regarding sports betting and streaming content is not explicitly stated in the content provided. However, it's known that Disney, under the leadership of Bob Chapek, had identified sports betting as a growth avenue for its streaming content. The company recognized that the Under 35 demographic is interested in sports betting as part of their sports lifestyle. This strategy has been linked to increased viewership for the NFL, as fans engage more with games due to the gamification aspect of fantasy football. Whether Bob Iger will continue with this strategy is yet to be seen.

The gamification aspect of fantasy football has significantly contributed to the increase in NFL viewership. Fantasy football allows fans to engage more deeply with the sport, as they have a vested interest in the performance of individual players, not just teams. This encourages viewers to watch more games, even those not involving their favorite team, to track the performance of their fantasy team's players. In 2021, the NFL's viewership gains were partly attributed to this phenomenon, with the average fan watching 20.3 games instead of 18.8. The rise of fantasy sports betting has also contributed to this trend, as it adds another layer of engagement and interest in the games.

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Alternativamente, el auge de las apuestas deportivas de fantasía tanto en los Estados Unidos como en India podría contribuir a un mayor interés en la NFL. Había 90 millones de jugadores de fantasía en India en 2019, y se estima que para finales de 2022, habrá casi 150 millones de jugadores de fantasía en el país. Disney (bajo Bob Chapek) tenía sus miras puestas en las apuestas deportivas como una vía de crecimiento para su contenido de streaming, y anteriormente dijo que el grupo demográfico menor de 35 años quiere las apuestas deportivas como parte de su estilo de vida deportivo. En 2021, gran parte de las ganancias de audiencia de la NFL provinieron del fan promedio que veía 20.3 juegos en lugar de 18.8, lo que algunos han atribuido al aspecto de gamificación del fútbol de fantasía, que aumenta la participación en cada juego en lugar de solo aquellos jugados por tu equipo favorito. Pero veremos si Bob Iger, el nuevo CEO de Disney, está de acuerdo con esa estrategia. (Fuente)

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Partido final: NFL versus FIFA y la Premier League del Reino Unido

Entonces, ¿es todo eso suficiente para que la NFL compita con el campeón mundial? Si bien la NFL puede ser el deporte más grande en los Estados Unidos, no es el más grande del mundo. Lejos de eso. Ese título pertenece al fútbol real, también conocido como fútbol, con un estimado de 3.5 mil millones a incluso 4 mil millones de aficionados en todo el mundo. Para poner eso en perspectiva, 3.2 mil millones de personas vieron la Copa del Mundo de 2018. El único otro evento deportivo importante, o evento en vivo en general, que atrajo a más espectadores fue los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 2016, que vieron a 3.5 mil millones de espectadores sintonizar. Y esto: se estima que la Copa del Mundo de 2022 en Qatar (que se está transmitiendo en el momento de la publicación de este informe) probablemente será vista por (Fuente)

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Actualización 2023: Según Arab News, la Copa del Mundo de 2022 fue vista por 5.4 mil millones de personas, por lo que ese es el nuevo número a superar. El sitio web [italic]Sporting News estima que 1.5 mil millones o más de espectadores globales podrían haber visto el partido final solo.[/italic]

En términos de dinero, entre 2015 y 2018, la FIFA generó casi $6.5 mil millones de dólares, con más de $5 mil millones generados solo por la Copa del Mundo de 2018. Si has visto nuestro video sobre la economía de la Copa del Mundo, entonces sabrás que el último Super Bowl generó 4 veces menos. El fútbol también se juega en todo el mundo, mientras que el fútbol americano todavía es desconocido o poco familiar para muchos. Si bien la monumental popularidad del fútbol no desaparecerá en el corto plazo, también es un detrimento para su crecimiento. El fútbol es el deporte más popular en casi todos los continentes excepto América del Norte, lo que podría explicar por qué Apple gastó 3 veces más en los derechos de medios para la Major League Soccer en los Estados Unidos. (Fuente)

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The 2030 World Cup could potentially have a significant impact on the viewership of the 2030 Super Bowl. Given the global popularity of soccer, the World Cup is likely to attract a massive audience. If the World Cup and the Super Bowl were to occur around the same time, it's possible that the Super Bowl's viewership could be negatively affected as viewers may choose to watch the World Cup instead. Furthermore, if FIFA's streaming service, FIFA+, continues to grow and offers exclusive access to the World Cup, this could further draw viewers away from the Super Bowl.

The growth of FIFA+'s subscription service could potentially influence the competition between the NFL, NBA, and India Premiere League in several ways. Firstly, it could attract a significant number of viewers away from these leagues, as FIFA+ plans to offer 40,000 live games per year. This could result in a decrease in viewership and subsequently, revenue for the NFL, NBA, and IPL. Secondly, if a major company like Amazon or Apple were to purchase FIFA+, they could leverage their resources to acquire media rights to more games, further intensifying the competition. Lastly, the success of FIFA+ could prompt the NFL, NBA, and IPL to launch their own subscription services to retain their viewership.

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Pero el destino de un servicio de streaming podría determinar no solo la dirección del fandom del fútbol global, sino también las guerras de streaming en sí. La FIFA acaba de lanzar su propio servicio de suscripción completamente gratuito este año llamado FIFA+, y planea hacerlo crecer a 200 millones de suscriptores ofreciendo 40,000 partidos en vivo por año. Por ejemplo, si Amazon o incluso Apple eventualmente compraran FIFA+, podrían hacer apuestas más grandes para adquirir los derechos de los medios para los juegos de la Premier League. Luego viene la Copa del Mundo 2030 y es fin del juego. Si la Copa del Mundo de 2022 será vista por 5 mil millones, ¿realmente crees que el Superbowl 2030 (Fuente)

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Bueno, ¿qué piensas? Realmente, ¿qué piensas? ¿Quién será? ¿La FIFA? ¿La NFL? ¿La Premier League India? ¿O la NBA? Háganos saber sus selecciones en los comentarios a este informe.¡Gracias por leer!