
Wird der Super Bowl das meistgestreamte Sportereignis bis 2030 sein?

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, welcher Sport für das meistgesehene Live-Event im Jahr 2030 verantwortlich sein wird?

Von 1980 bis 2023 werden die fünf größten professionellen US-Sportligen mehr als 210 Milliarden Dollar allein aus inländischen Medienrechten verdient haben, wobei die NFL mit erschütternden 65% oder 136 Milliarden Dollar dieses Umsatzes ausmacht. Im Jahr 2023 werden Rundfunk- und Streaming-Dienste 15,4 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr für alle ihre Sportübertragungsrechte zahlen. Das sind Milliarden von Dollar für Milliarden von Zuschauern. (Quelle)

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A shift in viewer preferences towards streaming services could have significant implications for sports leagues. It could potentially lead to a change in the distribution of revenue, as streaming services may not be willing or able to pay as much as traditional broadcasters for rights. Additionally, it could lead to a more global audience, as streaming services often have a wider reach than traditional broadcasters. However, it could also lead to challenges in terms of maintaining viewer engagement and loyalty, as viewers may have more options and therefore be more likely to switch between different sports or leagues.

Increasing revenue from international media rights can have several benefits for sports leagues. Firstly, it can significantly boost their overall revenue, allowing them to invest more in the sport, its players, and infrastructure. Secondly, it can help in expanding their global footprint and popularity, attracting more international fans and players. Thirdly, it can provide a more stable and diversified revenue stream, reducing their reliance on domestic markets and revenues. Lastly, it can also increase their bargaining power with broadcasters and sponsors, potentially leading to more favorable deals.

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Unter einigen der jüngsten Deals werden Fernsehsender etwa das Doppelte ihrer aktuellen Gebühren zahlen, um NFL-Spiele zu übertragen, und Apple hat einen Vertrag unterzeichnet, um etwa das Dreifache des Wertes des vorherigen Vertrags der Major League Soccer zu zahlen. Dieser massive Aufschlag ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass fast jede der meistgesehenen Live-Veranstaltungen aller Zeiten eine Sportveranstaltung war. (Quelle)

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These deals could significantly impact the dynamics of sports viewership. The increased investment by TV networks and tech companies like Apple indicates a growing value and demand for live sports content. This could lead to more competitive bidding for broadcasting rights in the future, potentially driving up the cost for viewers. Additionally, it could also lead to a shift in the way sports are consumed, with more viewers potentially moving towards digital platforms that offer these broadcasts.

The potential impacts on the broadcasting industry due to these deals could be significant. The increased fees for broadcasting rights could lead to higher costs for broadcasters, which could be passed on to consumers in the form of higher subscription fees. Additionally, the increased investment in sports broadcasting could lead to a greater focus on live sports content, potentially at the expense of other types of programming. However, the high viewership of live sports events could also lead to increased advertising revenue for broadcasters.

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Also, mit all diesen wahnsinnigen Sportrechte-Deals im letzten Jahr, wo Streamer und traditionelle Kabelnetze gleichermaßen Milliarden von Dollar für die Rechte zum Streamen von Sport ausgegeben haben, hatten wir eine Frage: Welcher Sport wird die größte Rendite bringen und zum unangefochtenen Champion werden, um den Streaming-Krieg ein für alle Mal zu gewinnen?

Wir werden unsere Analyse zeigen: alle am schnellsten wachsenden Sportligen, Kopf an Kopf. Wir zeigen unsere Daten, dann sagen Sie uns, was Sie denken: Welche Sportliga wird für das meistgestreamte Event im Jahr 2030 verantwortlich sein? Wird es die FIFA sein... Oder die NFL? Die NBA... oder Cricket und die IPL? Und wie wirkt sich der Übergang zum Sport-Streaming generell auf die Sportzuschauerzahlen aus? Lesen Sie weiter unten, um es herauszufinden.

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Potential cybersecurity risks associated with sports streaming include unauthorized access, data breaches, malware attacks, phishing scams, and DDoS attacks. These risks can lead to loss of sensitive data, disruption of service, and potential financial losses.

Sports streaming could significantly impact the production and broadcasting of sports events. It could lead to a shift in focus towards creating content that is more suitable for online platforms. This could include shorter, more engaging content to cater to online audiences. Additionally, it could also lead to an increase in the production of behind-the-scenes content, as online platforms can offer the space for such additional content. Broadcasting could become more globalized, as streaming platforms can potentially reach a global audience. This could lead to changes in broadcasting times to cater to different time zones. Furthermore, it could also lead to changes in advertising strategies, as online platforms offer different opportunities for targeted advertising.

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Zuerst: Cricket und die India Premier League (IPL)

Beginnen wir also unser Fantasy-Match-up mit zwei aufstrebenden Stars: Cricket und die IPL gegen Basketball und die NBA. Hinter Fußball ist Cricket tatsächlich der zweitbeliebteste Sport der Welt, mit etwa 2,5 Milliarden Fans, die hauptsächlich in einer Handvoll Länder im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum ansässig sind. Tatsächlich wird der indische Sportmarkt zu 90% von Cricket dominiert. Aber etwa 2,2 Milliarden Menschen haben die Cricket-Weltmeisterschaft 2015 gesehen. (Quelle)

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The dominance of cricket in the Indian sports market has significantly influenced the global popularity of the sport. India, with its vast population, is a major contributor to the global cricket fan base. The Indian Premier League (IPL), one of the most popular cricket leagues in the world, has attracted a global audience with its high-profile players, intense competition, and lucrative sponsorship deals. This has helped to spread the popularity of the sport beyond the traditional cricket-playing nations. Furthermore, the broadcasting of cricket matches and tournaments on international sports channels has also increased the sport's global visibility and popularity.

Several factors could contribute to the Indian Premiere League (IPL) surpassing the NBA in popularity. Firstly, cricket is the second most popular sport in the world, with a significant fan base in Asia Pacific, particularly in India where the sports market is 90% dominated by cricket. This provides a large potential audience for the IPL. Secondly, the IPL has been successful in marketing and commercializing the sport, attracting high-profile players and sponsors. Lastly, the growth of digital media and online streaming platforms could also contribute to the IPL's global reach and popularity.

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Die India Premier League Cricket Federation hat gerade ihre Medienrechte für 6,2 Milliarden Dollar für den Zyklus 2023 bis 2027 in einer Zwei-Wege-Aufteilung zwischen Disney Star, Disneys TV-Netzwerk in Indien, und Viacom 18 verkauft. Das ist ein ziemlich hoher Preis, der auf Wachstumspotenzial hindeutet, aber interessanterweise hat Disney beschlossen, auf die Streaming-Rechte für die IPL bis 2027 zu verzichten und stattdessen die TV-Rechte zu behalten. Warum ist das so? (Quelle)

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The sale of media rights for $6.2 billion could significantly impact the growth potential of the India Premier League (IPL) cricket federation. This large sum indicates a high level of interest and investment in the league, which could lead to increased visibility and popularity. The funds could be used to improve the league's infrastructure, invest in player development, and enhance marketing efforts. However, it's interesting to note that Disney chose to keep the TV rights and pass on the streaming rights until 2027. This could suggest a belief in the continued relevance of traditional broadcast media in India, or a strategic move to leverage both platforms for maximum reach and revenue.

Several factors could have influenced Disney's decision to pass on the streaming rights for the IPL until 2027. One possible reason could be the high cost of the streaming rights. Another factor could be the uncertainty of the streaming market in India. Despite the growing popularity of streaming services, traditional TV still has a strong presence in India. Disney might have decided to focus on the TV rights, which are a more secure and proven source of revenue. Additionally, Disney might be planning to invest in their own streaming service in India in the future.

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Weil 42% der Inder es immer noch vorziehen, den Sport im Fernsehen zu verfolgen. Disneys Star TV-Dienst hat bereits die Größe, die er braucht, um zu dominieren, also musste er nicht mit Amazon, Viacom18, Sony und einer Reihe anderer um die Streaming-Rechte kämpfen. Cricket zieht derzeit 93% aller Sportzuschauer in Indien an. Aber bedeutet das, dass Cricket auch im Jahr 2030 das meistgesehene Live-Streaming-Event sein könnte, wenn indische Fans ihre Fernbedienungen fallen lassen und sie wieder aufheben, um ihre Streaming-App einzuschalten? (Quelle)

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The shift from television to streaming apps could potentially increase the viewership of sports events like cricket in India. This is because streaming apps offer the convenience of watching from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Moreover, they often provide additional features like instant replays, statistics, and commentary that enhance the viewing experience. However, the success of this shift would largely depend on factors such as the availability and affordability of high-speed internet, the pricing of the streaming services, and the ease of use of these apps. It's also important to note that a significant portion of the Indian population still prefers to watch sports on television, so a complete shift might take some time.

It's difficult to predict with certainty if the Indian Premiere League (IPL) will become the most-watched live-streaming event in 2030. However, considering the current trends, it's a possibility. Cricket draws 93% of all sports viewership in India, and with the increasing accessibility and popularity of streaming services, more fans might switch from traditional TV to streaming platforms. The IPL, being one of the most popular cricket leagues, could potentially see a significant increase in its streaming viewership. However, this also depends on various factors such as the growth of internet infrastructure in India, the pricing and quality of streaming services, and the marketing strategies of the IPL and streaming platforms.

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Jetzt vergleichen wir Cricket mit Basketball und der NBA

Vergleichen Sie Cricket mit Basketball, der rund 2,2 Milliarden Fans auf der ganzen Welt hat. Das liegt direkt hinter Cricket, aber Basketball hat es geschafft, seine Anhängerschaft in Europa zu vergrößern, dank der Aufnahme von mehr europäischen Spielern. China ist auch ein riesiger Markt für die NBA und hat seit Yao Mings Eintritt in die NBA an Bedeutung gewonnen (Repräsentation ist wichtig, da sie ein ganz neues Publikum für Ihren Sport öffnen kann). (Quelle)

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Yao Ming's joining the NBA has significantly influenced the prominence of the sport in China. His participation in the NBA as a Chinese player has exposed a whole new audience to basketball, making it more popular in China. Yao Ming's success in the NBA has also inspired many young Chinese athletes to pursue basketball, further boosting the sport's popularity in the country.

The inclusion of more European players in basketball, particularly in the NBA, has significantly contributed to the sport's popularity in Europe. This is because representation matters in sports. When fans see players from their region or country performing at a high level in a global league like the NBA, it can attract a whole new audience to the sport. This has helped basketball grow its following in Europe, making it a truly global sport.

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Interessanterweise haben einige vorwiegend spanischsprachige Länder ihr Interesse an dem Sport gesteigert, so dass Lateinamerika ein großes Wachstumsgebiet für die NBA sein könnte. Welcher Sport hat also mehr Potenzial? Kann Cricket seine Reichweite außerhalb des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums ausbauen, während Basketball seine Reichweite in Lateinamerika oder weiter in Asien ausbaut? (Quelle)

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Both cricket and basketball have significant potential for expansion. Cricket, predominantly popular in Asia Pacific, has the potential to expand its reach to other regions. On the other hand, basketball, already popular in North America, is gaining interest in Spanish-language countries, indicating potential growth in Latin America and further into Asia. However, the rate of expansion would depend on various factors such as marketing strategies, accessibility, and cultural acceptance of the sport.

Cricket has the potential to expand its popularity beyond the Asia Pacific region. However, this would require strategic planning and investment. The International Cricket Council (ICC) would need to promote the sport in new regions, invest in grassroots development, and organize more international matches involving non-traditional cricketing nations. Additionally, broadcasting rights and partnerships with local sports networks would be crucial in making the sport more accessible to people in different regions.

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Leider haben wir keine aktualisierten Bieterkriege für Basketball, die uns einen Hinweis darauf geben könnten, was die Streamer denken. Die Liga hat zuletzt ihre Medienrechte in einem Deal für 24 Milliarden Dollar erneuert, das war jedoch bereits 2016. Das ist eine große Summe, aber das war vor über 9 Jahren und es steht zur Erneuerung im Jahr 2025 an, also stellen wir uns vor, dass das auch einen ziemlich großen Sprung nach oben sehen wird. (Quelle)

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It's difficult to predict with certainty whether the NBA's media rights renewal in 2025 will surpass the NFL and FIFA in terms of return on investment. The NBA's last media rights deal was for $24 billion in 2016, and it's expected to see a significant increase in 2025. However, the NFL and FIFA also have strong media rights deals and a large global audience. The outcome will depend on various factors including the growth of the leagues, the evolution of media consumption, and the strategic decisions of the leagues.

The sports streaming rights deals have significantly evolved since the last NBA media rights renewal in 2016. With the rise of digital platforms and the increasing demand for online content, many sports leagues have started to negotiate more lucrative deals with streaming services. This trend is expected to continue as more consumers shift towards streaming platforms for sports content. However, specific details about the evolution of these deals since 2016 are not available in the provided content.

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Wenn wir dem Geld folgen wollen, hat Basketball das höchste Durchschnittsgehalt von allen anderen Sportligen mit 3,8 Millionen Dollar. Zusammen verdienen die zehn bestbezahlten Spieler der NBA vor Steuern und Agentengebühren 751 Millionen Dollar, das ist ein Anstieg von 122% gegenüber vor zehn Jahren. Vergleichen Sie das mit dem Durchschnittsgehalt von 860.000 Dollar für die NFL und dem Durchschnittsgehalt von 100.000 Dollar für Cricket-Spieler in Indien. (Quelle)

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The high median salary of NBA players could impact the league's return on investment in sports streaming rights in several ways. Firstly, the high salaries could be a sign of the league's popularity and high-quality players, which could attract more viewers to the streams, increasing revenue. Secondly, the high salaries could also mean higher costs for the league, which could reduce the return on investment if the revenue from streaming does not exceed these costs. Lastly, the high salaries could potentially be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for streaming rights, as popular players could attract lucrative deals.

Several factors have contributed to the significant increase in the salaries of the NBA's top ten highest-paid players over the last ten years. These include the growth of the league's revenue, which is largely driven by lucrative TV and streaming rights deals, increased fan engagement, and the overall popularity of the sport. Additionally, the NBA's collective bargaining agreement, which ensures players receive a certain percentage of the league's revenue, has also played a role. Finally, individual player performance and marketability can significantly impact a player's salary.

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Finanziell gesehen steht hinter der NBA starkes Geld, aber es kommt wirklich auf die Demografie an und welche Liga es schafft, ihre Anziehungskraft in anderen Ländern schneller zu steigern in den nächsten sieben Jahren. Wer gewinnt dieses Match-up Ihrer Meinung nach? Cricket oder NBA? Lassen Sie es uns im Feedback wissen!

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Als Drittes: American Football und die NFL

Schließlich unsere Haupt-Herausforderung: die NFL gegen die FIFA. Die NFL ist die profitabelste professionelle Sportliga in den USA. Die Einnahmen der NFL erreichten im Jahr 2021 fast 18 Milliarden Dollar. Von den 100 meistgesehenen Live-Sendungen in den USA zwischen 2018 und 2021 machte die NFL über 300 aus. Und weltweit wird geschätzt, dass die NFL über 400 Millionen Fans hat. (Quelle)

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The growth of sports streaming rights deals has significantly impacted the revenue of the NFL. As more consumers shift towards online platforms for sports consumption, the demand for sports streaming has increased. This has led to lucrative deals for the NFL with various streaming platforms. These deals have contributed to the NFL's revenue, which reached nearly $18 billion in 2021. The NFL's popularity, both in the US and globally, makes it a valuable asset for streaming platforms, further driving up the price of streaming rights deals.

Several factors have contributed to the NFL becoming the most profitable professional sports league in the US. Firstly, the NFL has a large and dedicated fan base, with an estimated 400 million fans globally. This fan base translates into high viewership for games, especially for high-profile events like the Super Bowl. Secondly, the NFL has been successful in securing lucrative broadcasting rights deals, which have significantly boosted its revenues. In 2021, the NFL's revenues reached nearly $18 billion. Lastly, the NFL's profitability is also due to its effective marketing strategies, which have helped to increase its popularity and attract sponsors.

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Forbes schätzt, dass der bestbezahlte Spieler der NFL in dieser Saison, Aaron Rodgers, etwa 68 Millionen Dollar verdient, während Lionel Messi etwa das Doppelte davon mit 130 Millionen Dollar verdient. Das stellt Messi auch knapp vor Lebron James von der NBA, dem bestbezahlten NBA-Spieler aller Zeiten, der in der Saison 2022 bis 23 ein Bruttoeinkommen von 124 Millionen Dollar aus seinem Gehalt auf dem Platz und seinen Werbeverträgen außerhalb des Platzes erzielen wird. Während das Durchschnittsgehalt in der NFL eher bei 2,7 Millionen Dollar liegt, verdienen Spieler in der Premier League in Großbritannien ein Durchschnittsgehalt von 3,9 Millionen Dollar, die am besten zahlende Liga in Europa. (Quelle)

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Off-the-court endorsements significantly impact the total earnings of top NBA players like Lebron James. These endorsements often come from major brands and can add millions of dollars to a player's income. For instance, Lebron James' total earnings for the 2022 to 23 season are estimated to be $124 million, a substantial portion of which comes from off-the-court endorsements. These endorsements not only supplement a player's on-court salary but also provide financial security and additional income streams.

The average salary in the NFL is approximately $2.7 million, while players in the UK's Premier League make an average salary of $3.9 million, making it the highest-paying league in Europe.

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Die NFL erzielt in den USA mehr pro Jahr als jede andere große Sportliga. An zweiter Stelle steht die NBA mit 2,6 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr. Die NFL hat ihren Medienrechtevertrag im letzten Jahr erneuert und dabei einen TV-Deal im Wert von 105 Milliarden Dollar von 2023 bis 2033 abgeschlossen. Das sind 10,5 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr. Die Premier League, die meistgesehene Fußballliga der Welt, hat kürzlich ihren eigenen globalen Medienrechtevertrag erneuert, bei dem ihre internationalen Streamingrechte für 7,1 Milliarden Dollar und ihre nationalen Rechte für 6,9 Milliarden Dollar verkauft wurden. Dies wird der Liga in den nächsten drei Jahren insgesamt 14 Milliarden Dollar einbringen. Aber das sind 4,6 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr im Vergleich zu 10,5 Milliarden Dollar. Ein Sport mit 12x weniger Fans, der 2x so viel einbringt, könnte auf Wachstumspotenzial hindeuten. Aber ist Geld allein ein guter Indikator? Was wirklich zählt für 2030 hier ist das Wachstumspotenzial. (Quelle)

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Based on the current growth trends and media rights deals, the NFL seems to be the sports league that could potentially have the highest return on investment by 2030. The NFL makes more per year in the US than every other major sports league and has recently renewed its media rights contract for a $105 billion TV deal from 2023 to 2033. However, it's important to note that growth potential is a significant factor to consider. While the NFL currently leads in terms of revenue, other leagues like the NBA or the Premier League could catch up depending on their growth trajectories.

The growth potential of the NFL compared to other major sports leagues like the NBA and the Premier League can be gauged by looking at their current earnings and fan base. The NFL currently makes more per year in the US than any other major sports league, with a $105 billion TV deal from 2023 to 2033. This is significantly higher than the NBA's $2.6 billion per year. The Premier League, despite having a larger global audience, earns less per year than the NFL. However, the fact that a sport with fewer fans (NFL) is making more money could indicate growth potential. Ultimately, the growth potential of these leagues will depend on factors such as their ability to expand their fan base, secure lucrative media rights deals, and adapt to changes in the sports industry.

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Zum Beispiel, wird der kürzlich abgeschlossene Amazon Prime Deal für Thursday Night Football, der auf der internationalen Streaming-Plattform ausgestrahlt wird, der NFL helfen, ihr Publikum außerhalb der USA zu vergrößern? Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Fanbasis des American Football hauptsächlich in Nordamerika, Australien und einigen Ländern in Lateinamerika und Europa konzentriert ist, hat der Sport ein enormes Wachstumspotenzial in Asien. Die NFL liegt immer noch hinter der NBA in Bezug auf die Beliebtheit in großen asiatischen Märkten wie China. Der einzige andere Einzelmarkt mit einem ähnlichen (und bald noch größeren) Marktanteil als China ist Indien. (Quelle)

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It's difficult to predict with certainty, but the NFL is making strides to increase its international popularity, which could potentially lead to surpassing FIFA in terms of streaming popularity by 2030. The recent deal with Amazon Prime for streaming Thursday Night Football internationally is a significant step towards this goal. However, the NFL's fan base is currently concentrated in North America, Australia, and some countries in Latin America and Europe, with significant growth potential in Asia. The NFL still lags behind the NBA in popularity in major Asian markets like China and India, which are key to global streaming dominance. Therefore, while the NFL is growing, it has a considerable challenge to overcome to surpass FIFA, which has a more globally dispersed fan base.

India plays a significant role in the global market share of sports streaming. It is one of the single markets with a similar and soon to be more market share than China. The popularity of sports like cricket in India, coupled with the rapid growth of digital platforms, has made it a key player in the sports streaming market. The Indian Premier League (IPL) is one of the most-watched sports leagues globally, contributing significantly to the global sports streaming market.

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Indien hat tatsächlich seine eigene American Football Liga bereits im Jahr 2011 gestartet, aber sie wurde nur eine Saison lang in Haushalten in Indien, Pakistan und Sri Lanka ausgestrahlt, bevor sie auf unbestimmte Zeit pausiert wurde. Das große Problem mit der NFL in Indien ist die Unbekanntheit des Sports. Aber zwei Trends könnten dies ändern: der Aufstieg des Fantasy-Gamings in Indien und der Kampf um die Kontrolle über Indien in den Streaming-Kriegen. Nach letzten Zählungen hat Amazon in Indien rund 13,6 Millionen Abonnenten und liegt damit auf dem sechsten Platz im indischen Streaming-Markt. Der Dienst Hotstar von Disney ist derzeit die Nummer eins mit etwa 50 Millionen Abonnenten. Das Interesse an Amazon Prime in Indien hat weiter zugenommen, und da Amazon sein Marketing in Indien ausbaut, besteht die Chance, dass der einfache Zugang zum Thursday Night Football in den nächsten zehn Jahren neue Fans anlocken könnte. (Quelle)

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Amazon Prime is currently a significant player in the streaming market in India, although it ranks sixth in terms of market share. The platform's influence could potentially increase the viewership of American Football in the country. As Amazon Prime expands its marketing efforts in India, it could attract new fans to American Football, particularly through the broadcast of Thursday night football games. However, the success of this strategy will largely depend on overcoming the unfamiliarity of the sport in India.

The rise of fantasy gaming in India is potentially influencing the popularity of American Football by increasing familiarity with the sport. As fantasy gaming grows, it exposes players to a variety of sports, including American Football. This exposure could lead to increased interest and understanding of the sport, which could in turn lead to increased popularity. Additionally, the battle to control India's streaming market could also play a role. As platforms like Amazon Prime grow their marketing in India and offer access to American Football games, they could attract new fans.

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Alternativ könnte der Aufstieg des Fantasy-Sportwettens sowohl in den USA als auch in Indien zu einem größeren Interesse an der NFL beitragen. Im Jahr 2019 gab es in Indien 90 Millionen Fantasy-Spieler, und es wird geschätzt, dass es bis Ende 2022 fast 150 Millionen Fantasy-Spieler im Land geben wird. Disney (unter Bob Chapek) hatte Sportwetten als Wachstumsbereich für seine Streaming-Inhalte im Visier und sagte zuvor, dass die Unter-35-Demografie Sportwetten als Teil ihres Sportlebensstils möchte. Im Jahr 2021 kamen viele der Zuschauerzuwächse der NFL daher, dass der durchschnittliche Fan 20,3 Spiele anstatt 18,8 schaute, was einige auf den Gamification-Aspekt des Fantasy-Footballs zurückführen, der das Engagement in jedem Spiel erhöht, anstatt nur in denen, die von Ihrem Lieblingsteam gespielt werden. Aber wir werden sehen, ob Bob Iger, der neue CEO von Disney, dieser Strategie zustimmt. (Quelle)

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The future strategy of Disney's new CEO, Bob Iger, regarding sports betting and streaming content is not explicitly stated in the content provided. However, it's known that Disney, under the leadership of Bob Chapek, had identified sports betting as a growth avenue for its streaming content. The company recognized that the Under 35 demographic is interested in sports betting as part of their sports lifestyle. This strategy has been linked to increased viewership for the NFL, as fans engage more with games due to the gamification aspect of fantasy football. Whether Bob Iger will continue with this strategy is yet to be seen.

The gamification aspect of fantasy football has significantly contributed to the increase in NFL viewership. Fantasy football allows fans to engage more deeply with the sport, as they have a vested interest in the performance of individual players, not just teams. This encourages viewers to watch more games, even those not involving their favorite team, to track the performance of their fantasy team's players. In 2021, the NFL's viewership gains were partly attributed to this phenomenon, with the average fan watching 20.3 games instead of 18.8. The rise of fantasy sports betting has also contributed to this trend, as it adds another layer of engagement and interest in the games.

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Finale Begegnung: NFL gegen FIFA und die UK Premier League

Also, ist das genug für die NFL, um mit dem Weltmeister zu konkurrieren? Während die NFL vielleicht der größte Sport in den USA ist, ist sie nicht der größte der Welt. Weit davon entfernt. Dieser Titel geht an den eigentlichen Fußball, auch bekannt als Soccer, mit geschätzten 3,5 Milliarden bis sogar 4 Milliarden Fans weltweit. Um das ins Verhältnis zu setzen, 3,2 Milliarden Menschen haben die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 gesehen. Die einzige andere große Sportveranstaltung, oder Live-Veranstaltung überhaupt, die mehr Zuschauer anzog, waren die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2016, die 3,5 Milliarden Zuschauer erreichten. Und das hier: Es wird geschätzt, dass die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar (die zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Berichts ausgestrahlt wird) wahrscheinlich von 5 Milliarden Menschen gesehen wird.(Quelle)

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Streaming rights deals can significantly impact the popularity and viewership of different sports leagues. These deals allow sports leagues to reach a wider audience, especially those who may not have access to traditional broadcast methods. They can also increase the league's revenue, which can be reinvested to improve the quality of the sport, attracting even more viewers. However, the impact can vary depending on the sport and the region. For instance, a sport that is popular in a region with high internet penetration can benefit more from a streaming deal than a sport that is popular in a region with low internet penetration.

The NFL is the most popular sport in the US, but its viewership pales in comparison to the global viewership of soccer. Soccer, also known as football, is estimated to have 3.5 to 4 billion fans worldwide. For instance, 3.2 billion people watched the 2018 World Cup. In contrast, the NFL's Super Bowl, one of the most-watched events in the US, does not come close to these numbers. The global appeal of soccer far exceeds that of the NFL.

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Update 2023: Laut Arab News wurde die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 von 5,4 Milliarden Menschen gesehen, das ist die neue Zahl, die es zu schlagen gilt. Die Website [italic]Sporting News schätzt, dass 1,5 Milliarden oder mehr globale Zuschauer allein das Finale gesehen haben könnten.[/italic]

Geldmäßig hat die FIFA zwischen 2015 und 2018 fast 6,5 Milliarden Dollar generiert, wobei über 5 Milliarden Dollar allein durch die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 generiert wurden. Wenn Sie unser Video zur Wirtschaft der Weltmeisterschaft gesehen haben, dann wissen Sie, dass die letzte Super Bowl 4x weniger generiert hat. Fußball wird weltweit gespielt, während American Football vielen immer noch unbekannt oder unvertraut ist. Während die monumentale Popularität des Fußballs nicht so schnell verschwinden wird, ist sie auch ein Hindernis für sein Wachstum. Fußball ist der beliebteste Sport auf fast jedem Kontinent außer Nordamerika, was erklären könnte, warum Apple 3x mehr für die Medienrechte an der Major League Soccer in den USA ausgegeben hat. (Quelle)

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Apple's decision to invest more in media rights for Major League Soccer in the US can be attributed to the global popularity of soccer. While American football is popular in the US, soccer is the most popular sport in nearly every other continent. This global popularity presents a significant opportunity for growth and revenue. Furthermore, the investment in soccer media rights aligns with Apple's strategy to expand its streaming services and content offerings.

The global popularity of soccer significantly impacts its revenue compared to American football. Soccer is played and followed worldwide, which contributes to its high revenue. For instance, between 2015 and 2018, FIFA generated nearly $6.5 billion dollars, with over $5 billion generated by the 2018 World Cup alone. On the other hand, American football is less known or unfamiliar to many outside North America, limiting its revenue potential. For example, the last Super Bowl generated 4x less than the 2018 World Cup. The global reach of soccer also attracts more investment in media rights. For instance, Apple spent 3x more on the media rights to major league soccer in the US.

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Aber das Schicksal eines Streaming-Dienstes könnte nicht nur die Richtung der globalen Fußballbegeisterung, sondern auch der Streaming-Kriege selbst bestimmen. Die FIFA hat Anfang dieses Jahres ihren eigenen völlig kostenlosen Abonnementdienst namens FIFA+ gestartet und plant, ihn auf 200 Millionen Abonnenten zu erweitern, indem sie 40.000 Live-Spiele pro Jahr anbietet.Zum Beispiel, wenn Amazon oder sogar Apple schließlich FIFA+ kaufen würden, könnten sie größere Wetten abschließen, um die Medienrechte an Premier League Spielen zu erwerben. Dann kommt die 2030 Weltmeisterschaft und es ist vorbei. Wenn die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 von 5 Milliarden Menschen gesehen wird, glauben Sie wirklich, dass der Superbowl 2030 (Quelle)

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The 2030 World Cup could potentially have a significant impact on the viewership of the 2030 Super Bowl. Given the global popularity of soccer, the World Cup is likely to attract a massive audience. If the World Cup and the Super Bowl were to occur around the same time, it's possible that the Super Bowl's viewership could be negatively affected as viewers may choose to watch the World Cup instead. Furthermore, if FIFA's streaming service, FIFA+, continues to grow and offers exclusive access to the World Cup, this could further draw viewers away from the Super Bowl.

The growth of FIFA+'s subscription service could potentially influence the competition between the NFL, NBA, and India Premiere League in several ways. Firstly, it could attract a significant number of viewers away from these leagues, as FIFA+ plans to offer 40,000 live games per year. This could result in a decrease in viewership and subsequently, revenue for the NFL, NBA, and IPL. Secondly, if a major company like Amazon or Apple were to purchase FIFA+, they could leverage their resources to acquire media rights to more games, further intensifying the competition. Lastly, the success of FIFA+ could prompt the NFL, NBA, and IPL to launch their own subscription services to retain their viewership.

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